everyone's take on miracle-gro

welfare train

Active Member
I'm not the most experienced grower by any means but I have been using Miracle Grow (organic and moisture control) and I have had NO issues what-so-ever.

I do go a little easy on the nutes right away and try to keep most of my nutes organic to avoid burning them easily but I really have no complaints.


Well-Known Member
What is everyones take on miracle-gro for nutes for veg and flowering
There have been many threads about this; https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/217718-miracle-grow-worth.html

I can only tell you from experience that Miracle Grow Organic choice has worked for my plant so far. I recommend going to lowes and buying a 5$ of Black Kow Manure, buying a 10$ bag of vermiculite, and a 10$ bag of Peatmoss and mixing it all together. Then you will have a very loose granuled type of soil versus Miracle Grow's standard gardening soil.

Here are my results on Miracle Grow: Organic Choice



Well-Known Member
I've done an entire grow using the chemical MG fertilizers and MG time release soil. I wouldn't choose to do it again, but anyone who says MG does not work are just poor growers or never actually tried it themselves. Honestly, if your careful with it and monitor whats going on you can get some very nice results from it.


Well-Known Member
I go organic for veg...blood meal and molasses...I use miracle grow 15 30 15 for flowering and get really good results.


Active Member
I occasionally use mg for an entire grow(it's cheap!) and have had no problems. It does not give the very best results but it still gives results.


Well-Known Member
i dont like miracle grow at all.. be it nute form or soil form.. and here is why..

nutes are used at different rates by your plant... some faster than others.. with miracle grow you dont have any control over what or how much your plant is getting fed.. only the strength of the dose.. so this means you could end up having a def of one nute while having a build up of another...

now by no means am i saying that you cant use mg successfully.. there are many growers that do use it just fine.. i just like the control over what my plants get feed that i get from a 3 part system... i am able to blend the nutes how i want making sure they are only getting what they need when they need it.. this avoids a lot of issues related to nute burn, nute defs, and nute lock out...

its really up to the grower and how much control over things they want.. im a control freak so a 3 part system works well..


Well-Known Member
THe OP stated MG nutes, not soil.

I have a tough time buying into that one nute is SO much better or worse then another given the same ratio.

I didn't use MG nutes, but soil-wise I tested MG, FF and PM. MG gave biggest yield. (all clones from same mother)

FF soil got the full FF nute schedule, PM got GH maxi series. MG just got water.


Active Member
I say take the path of least resistance. Use whatevers easiest to use for you that works. Who cares what its called or what people say its all about results and satisfaction


Well-Known Member
yeah miracle grow is good for other plants but not marijuana
LOL ! Explain to us why its fine everything else *but* pot? Genetically engineered against pot? Whats so special about pot? Ain't pot's needs ultra close to tomatoes? But MG is going to poison it[pot]?


New Member
When i first was going to start growin, i bought everything MG had to offer.. But after reading these threads i returned everything i bought n made my own potting mix n bought ff nutes, perlite, vermiculite.. None of that stuff had time released nutes in it.. I didnt want mg to burn up my plants for my first time grow.. Thats my story n im stickin 2 it..lol..


Well-Known Member
mg works just have to use low doses.like 1/4 strength on a fert ,water water,fert schedule when using veg and bud ferts. only use it if you have to. if you do use it flush flush like for 10 days min b4 harvest. personally i like the technaflora nutes recipe foir success pack 30$ have never had no probs and nice yields. here is link happy growing. http://www.bestgrowlights.com/site/403863/product/FSSI726740 lights are a little pricey here. if looking for light try htg supply.


Well-Known Member
LOL ! Explain to us why its fine everything else *but* pot? Genetically engineered against pot? Whats so special about pot? Ain't pot's needs ultra close to tomatoes? But MG is going to poison it[pot]?
You mean I could be growing pretty tomatoes instead of skunky pot?

WTF man why didn't anyone say that earlier?


Well-Known Member
Not much of a MG nute user but the soil can work great.
Saves a lot of work indoors after the thrill has mostly passed.