Extraction from Kief

Jumpin Jack Flash

New Member
I just finished dry ice extraction of thc from about nine ounce of trim to create kief. The first ounce which I kept seperate from the kief that came out after that was killer, but I blew it with the rest because I just kept shaking the bubble bag long after I should have stopped. I think I probably should have quit after the first two ounces of keif, but unfortunately, I didn't. Out of the nine ounces of trim, I ended up with about six ounces of so-called kief. Like I said, the first ounce is primo, but the other five ounce pile of this dark green shit is practically worthless. It seems highly unlikely to me that I could further use dry ice to extract thc from the five ounces I have to make a more potent kief, but I just don't know. I spent time searching the net to find out but came up with a big fat zero. Is there anyone out there who knows if it's possible to extract a higher quality kief from this crap using dry ice again, or am I doomed.


Well-Known Member
I just did a dry ice extraction of about 4oz of trim a week ago. I netted 11.9g my first run and 8.9g my second run. 3rd run started to show green when shaking so it was done and not so good quality. I did my pulls from 3 fire strains of trim and popcorn, no garbage here. now if your pulling 1 oz from 9 oz of trim, those are some nice ass pulls. I did a bubble hash pull the next day to see if I got anything else, not so much. heres a link to the thread from my dry ice pull https://www.rollitup.org/concentrates-extracts/728634-demontrichs-dry-ice-extraction-pineapple.html

imo, once you do your 1st and 2nd pulls, there really isn't much left to extract except for leaf/plant material and will not be as pure quality.