Farmer Rack in the House (pics)

Farmer Rack

New Member
Hey guys u can call me rack. As of this week I about finished my grow room. I call it the tree of light due to my lighting arrangement.
4x 100w 2700k = 6400 lumens
4x 13w = 2700 lumens
Total lumens = 9100
Both CFL's of course
I am using bagweed seeds most likely hermaphrodite ditch weed shit. As a trial run. Not a hydroponic system. I'm ok with that. I plan on doing a water conversion technique week prior to flowering stage as an idea ix came up with. Not going to give much detailz. Shssh. Its in a walkin closet. What I am about to say may be subject to opinion. But I've seen to many good result if you do not wrinkle its and carefully apply it. Using aluminum foil on walls. Did the math. Yes math. Actual science you know the kind of thing we leave behind when we get older. Anyways here's some photos. Its not finalized but is beta model.

I look foward to hearing from you guys. Please crtique my journey, I'd like to hear your opinions and ideas if more information is needed just ask! :)


Lookin good Rack! Here are some Qs to help us all:
What temperature is your area
How many watts in all
How big is your area
What type of soil are you using
What type of nutrients
What is yor water source
Will you pH your water
Good luck on your grow...hope to see some more posts as your cannaventure continues! :)

Farmer Rack

New Member
Constant 81 to 83 degrees
144w total
Space is 3 feet wide. 8 ft tall.
Basic medium with average ingredients. Blood etc
happy frog jump start 3-4-3
Distilled water
I dont think I will need to ph my water. Maybe in certian circumstances.

Farmer Rack

New Member
Constant 81 to 83 degrees
144w total
Space is 3 feet wide. 8 ft tall.
Basic medium with average ingredients. Blood etc
happy frog jump start 3-4-3
Distilled water
I dont think I will need to ph my water. Maybe in certian circumstances.

Farmer Rack

New Member
Constant 81 to 83 degrees
144w total
Space is 3 feet wide. 8 ft tall.
Basic medium with average ingredients. Blood etc
happy frog jump start 3-4-3
Distilled water
I dont think I will need to ph my water. Maybe in certian circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Don't use distilled, go tap or spring..distilled can be quite acidic and spring basic

Also you should match or exceed the average output of the sun at 7k lumens per sqft.. 10k consistently will bleach most strains..


Well-Known Member
add some lime to your mix. a tbsp. per gal. think about buying some azomite from amazon. you wont regret it. its cheap.

Farmer Rack

New Member
Hey sorry about late reply. Sorry for double posy smart phones can b tricky sometimes. Dammit to late now...I use distilled water. Anyways my result on germination was 100 percent failure. I germinated in water in dark for 3 days then transplanted seedlings. I think my soil was not good. Anyways I am going tto buy some foxfarm ocean soil . Buy some real seeds online from bank. I was using some old 2 yr old bagweed seeds. Nothing more then ditch weed. Not happy. But its alright it why it was a trial run. I hopefully got enough lighting. I don't think I need a ph tester. But if it helps I will. Mayb just watch for signs of deficientcy. Anyways Im going to browse the forums more and see similiar things people are doing. I think I might paint walls white. Thank you all for your input. I will have some questions soon enough...can't wait for more guidence. Hopefully I can pasz my knowledge to others down the road but hopefully more hands on traininng when iteach

Don't use distilled, go tap or spring..distilled can be quite acidic and spring basic

Also you should match or exceed the average output of the sun at 7k lumens per sqft.. 10k consistently will bleach most strains..