FF happy frog question....


Well-Known Member
Hi all... have a quick question for anyone that may have had some experience with ff happy frog soil or soil conditioner.

With my first grow i used their ocean forest and i had pretty damn good results but i sorta had to keep an eye on the soil to make sure it didn't compact too much with watering and i tended to get brown spotting on leaves sporatically throughout the grow.

I see that happy frog says it has humic acids derived from leonardite and dolomitic lime.

Was just wondering if anyone had any experience growing in just this or in mixing with ocean forest/light warrior/ etc...

If anyone has some experience with it.. what were your results? I would really like to hear from someone that grew with JUST ocean forest and then grew with OF mixed with happy frog or just HF itself.

Thanks in advance!!



Well-Known Member
I'm using just ocean forest but I mix in a bag of perlite with each bag of o/f.Haven't had any compacting problems yet and none of my leafs have any spots on them.I'm using there intire line of nutes too.


Well-Known Member
beware of happy frog, it is very hot, meaning tons of nute that burnted every lil thing i put in it, im not gonna say it sucks i think its great, but you will find yourself flushing it out very soon cus of burnt tips, as for the compacting after the watering, mix in plenty of perlite this helps, personaly i like 1/3plite to 2/3 soil....but aside from happy from OF is great too, these soils have everything plus mychorizae <----good shit


Well-Known Member
Happy frog is so hot, i went 7 weeks from seedling without nutes , dude that soil alone is good to carry a plant to almost 2 months


Well-Known Member
are you guys serious, i went to the hydro store the other day and asked the dude i wanted some organic soil that isnt hot cuz i was transplanting flowering plants and needed to keep usin my nutes. he gave me happy frog and said it was much less hot than ocean forest. wtf im pissed.


Well-Known Member
Thx for the replies fellas.... Has anyone out there used just happy frog or a mix with OF and HF with nutes (i've got the biobizz lineup from last grow ...
Bio Grow, Bio Bloom, Top Max and i think i'mma grab the algamic for this next one).

I would be really interested to hear about anyone's experiences and if anyone thinks a mix of HF and OF would do okay...was wondering if the lime in the HF would compliment OF. I'm not really thinkin bout any other brands of soil atm since i still got some left from last grow of OF and friend gave me some of the HF... i was either gonna mix the two or just go get some more OF since i have experience w/ it and at least somewhat have learned to feed with that soil and nute combo fairly accurately from workin with it for a while now.

Thanks again folks for the replies....I really appreciate the speed at which useful answers come to ya on this site! :)


Active Member
are you guys serious, i went to the hydro store the other day and asked the dude i wanted some organic soil that isnt hot cuz i was transplanting flowering plants and needed to keep usin my nutes. he gave me happy frog and said it was much less hot than ocean forest. wtf im pissed.
I don't think HF is that hot. It's not light like LW or hot like OF or Amazon Bloom. I would say its in the middle. On my last grow i put my plants in a couple of different soil mixtures. Using Amazon Bloom (super hot), Happy Frog, Light Warrior and Perlite. The plants in the Amazon Bloom/Perlite mix grew a lot faster compared to my other mixes . IMO if you are looking for a low nutrient soil your in the right direction just add lots of perlite and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
i hate my local hydro store guy, he is the most clueless , this guy will make you buy 2 parts of a 3 part nute series, all he says when u ask him about any of his products is "thats good stuff" morons lol, i dunno i use FF and burns me everytime and i have used it on 6 different strains


Well-Known Member
yeah i add lots of perlite. it definately helps with teh burning situation and drainage. think about it, if you're worried about hot soil, and u mix ur soil with like 50/50 soil/perlite, u just cut down the amount of "hotness" by half. this is what i usually do so i can keep on with my nutes when flowering


Active Member
I am planning on buying Happy Frog soil for my grow outdoors. I'm using a larger reservoir, so having not enough water will not be a problem. How much perlite should I be considering putting into this soil?


Well-Known Member
i use happy frog and the FF full line of nutes i havent had any prob with burning at all and im about 2 weeks from harvest


Well-Known Member
I would go at least 20%. This stuff is hot ! If you get it and flush the livin hell out of it, you might as well get another soil to begin with.. Its good just hot. I had same experience as above, same with Ocean. You have to perlite that stuff or you'll regret it...


Active Member
Hot? I believe that this soil is less hot that the FF Ocean Forest soil is. So your saying around 20% perlite mixed in per 2cubit ft. bag should be decent?