finally headed outdoors . . . first time @ 46N

Hey guys -

getting ready to attempt my 1st outdoor grow this 2013 season @ 46.3 North

I've been enjoying this magical herb for over 40 years, and have been growing indoors over the last 5 years. Every time I harvest an indoor, I think how nice it would be to do this naturally under the sun!

So, this is the year......

I am going to germinate seeds prior to 05/01, likely between 50-70 seeds..... and plan to plant around 06/01.

So, to all who have grown sucessfully in the great outdoors, and to all who have ever wanted to grow under the natural and free sunshine...........follow along and lets get ready for the snow to melt!


I will be back ..............................................................


Well-Known Member
I'm doing the exact opposite I'm about to finish my first indoor room and soon to be flowering some blueberry >,<. Best of luck to you and hopefully I can learn from you indoor guys >,<


Well-Known Member
Good luck to you my friend! I'm getting started on my second outdoor grow myself. Not hardly
that many plants, I like to keep my numbers down and plants huge and bushy. Keep us updated,
its alot of hard work out there, not easy at all, but in the end man is it worth it!

Props to the blueberry grower! One of my favorite outdoor strains of all time,
if you haven't ever grown it outdoor do it! I crossed some blueberry last year with
bubblegum that I crossed the previous year with hasplant, anxious to see the the
I'm doing the exact opposite I'm about to finish my first indoor room and soon to be flowering some blueberry >,<. Best of luck to you and hopefully I can learn from you indoor guys >,<
Yeah, indoor is very fun and very nice to be able to control all of the necessary environmental conditions......also no deer or hunters!

thanks for dropping in and good luck on your indoor blueberry!


Active Member
I love that feeling when spring is in the air.

It's nearly autumn for me though and nearly finished with my very first outdoor in pots (another 50 to 60 days to go).
Good luck and hope you have fun and get a huge crop with no pests :weed:
my partner and I have 10 bagseed seedlings currently, I cant wait to grow outside. it is definitely the best way to grow imo, the snow fucking sucks though we have to wait at least another month to plant outside :/. im going to plant about 75 plants total (in different locations of course) just going with the "let nature do the work" type of method. Best of luck to you all.
my partner and I have 10 bagseed seedlings currently, I cant wait to grow outside. it is definitely the best way to grow imo, the snow fucking sucks though we have to wait at least another month to plant outside :/. im going to plant about 75 plants total (in different locations of course) just going with the "let nature do the work" type of method. Best of luck to you all.
sounds like we'll have similar plant numbers.....

I too plan to let mother nature take care of most of the work...... naturally and organically :weed:

thanks for your comment and good luck to you too this season!



Well-Known Member
Wow good luck mate. I personally would be a paranoid wreck doing that many plants outdoor. I'd constantly worry about them lol. Im doing 18 autos outdoor in scotland,my first out door grow. And i just know i'm always gonna have the thought of them being ripped or found and destroyed lol Even though i have good planting spots. All part of the buzz i suppose
yeah it will be stressful having so many babies, but knowing you have an abundance of plants in multiple locations in a way relieves the stress, because in the end its a guaranteed harvest. it would be almost impossible to get every plot ripped/destroyed. we will have 75 plants total and im only thinking about doin about 5 plants per plot. this is my third outdoor grow and its not even about increasing yields anymore, im going for plants that yield a respectable amount. I would be happy with an oz per plant in all honesty, the amount of effort im going to put forward Imo should equal out to about that. not to mention 75 plant's trimmings for hash that will be at my disposal. ohhh I cant fucking wait. 8)