First Closet CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
thanks alto, always good to hear compliments! your plants are doing magnificent! their size is gonna get huge before you know it!!!
Hope not 3 ft! yoinks!
I will have to tie down the colas and stuff so they don't fry lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah i've always read topping them made them shorter in the long run. Lol not in this case, The transfer from CFL's to HPS made a complete difference in height growth for the plants. They were growing inches a day, just now have they stopped most of their vertical growth. I think now they are focusing their energy on making their buds. I'm ready to see some trichs!!!


Well-Known Member
Looking awesome T, im jealous!!!

Glad you guys started talking about topping etc as it crossed my mind today for the first time. Although im not sure if its worth me doing it. At first i striked it off as i was doing a short grow but now i'm doing a full length it could be a possibility. I know how to do it, just dont know if it would be beneficial.


Well-Known Member
Jury is still out, you could do 1/2 and let us know?
I like the idea of the FIM, being it was #1 discovered by accident (best things are) and #2 it can produce many tops rather than just 2.
If you are going to divide the plants energy between multiple tops rather than let it concentrate on just 1 I guess the more the better?
I am going to watch and wait myself. If I see some getting a lot bigger than others I will top the tall ones. If you checked my grow you will see I have a few different strains going at once. It will be nice if by simply topping some of them I end up with an even canopy.


Well-Known Member
I'm on my first grow and decided to top my plant. I'm really glad I did because I have 2 tops, and the 2 branches on the next node down are just as tall..It's almost like 4 tops.

Also, the dang girl has almost doubled in size and its week 3 into flowering


Well-Known Member
yep - topping is a great way to even out the canopy, keep the plants shorter and bushier and increase yield. But if you are looking for a single gigantic bud - do not do it!


Well-Known Member
Well if i manage to sort out my problem i have at the moment then i think im going to have a go at fimming one of my plants then compare the two. Although my two plants, despite both being germed at the same time, look completely different, ones bushy and dark the others a bit taller and lighter..


Well-Known Member
But theyre the same strain completely? The bushier one had a fluro right up close to it, and the other had a CFL right by it for the last ten or so days(Had fluro before then) So that must be it. Surprising though


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the rep, I'm taking some clones as we type lol I'm onlt taking 1 at a time to help reduce the chances of them not rooting so I hope to let you guys know how they are doing pce


Well-Known Member
good morning everyone,

i'm getting a little scared. I just got out of my grow op and I'm afraid that Juana might be a hermie.

Good news...just got my good camera back from warranty and am about to go snap some pictures be back in a few.


Well-Known Member
it's zoomed in because for some reason, underneath that HPS it doesn't get a good macro picture. I'll post the original picture.


Well-Known Member
I heard about this reverse stuff, thats suppose to be for hermie plants, Thats hurts them back, if that is the case. I think. Someone posted it in my forum talking bou the nutes they use


Well-Known Member
lol that was me lol, thats why I want know if they are hermie so I can see if I can start this spray lol. :joint: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You definitely have some male parts there. :cry:
Are you going to try the reverse ?:confused:
At least you can grow some nice plants, once the boys are gone you will do great.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
that fucking sucks!!! juana is my best plant grrr damn bagseed. This is a lesson that is well learned! I will try that reverse spray but very very dissapointing. oh well I guess there is still hope for stretch. still no signs of a calyx yet so I'm guessing it's female if it's taking this long.

Maybe I'll just let this hermie grow out, the seeds will be feminised then right?