First grow, 600w, Vegged for two months!! Outdoor to Indoor.

Ok so here we go.

I planted 5 seeds from bagseed in mid June. My plan was to keep it cheap and i really just wanted to see what would happen, i wasnt really doing it seriously. I started them in a greenhouse and they did really well for the first month and a half until they grew too big and i had to take them out and leave them in the open air. They didnt really like that so they continued to veg and got fairly battered by windy weather and pests, but still they grew. It got to the end of August and still no flowering at all, except for a male showed itself and was chopped. So i was left with 2 massive plants, the biggest being about 2 meters, and two small ones being 2 or 3 feet. I decided to throw some cash into it and got a decent indoor setup :)

Im using biobizz lightmix for soil and my nutes are biobizz grow, bloom, topmax, and algamic.

Im currently at day 28 flower and its looking nice. Here's the latest pics from Day 26 :D


I have heard reports that the strain is amnesia lemon but its impossible to tell, the phenotypes are all completely different in every way! The sideways pics are the big 7 footer (probably about that by now) it had to be bent to fit lol
Also i have lots more pictures if anyone wants to see what they looked like in veg or at any earlier stage. Just request and ill post them :)


Well-Known Member
I'd love to see the pics...and perhaps a group shot or a shot that isn't super close up to see what they look height wise...
I dont really have any group shots in flower because of the size of the space im not able to stand back far enough to get the full height in the shot.

Here's some pics a few days before they were taken inside. The largest one is surrounded by chairs cause it kept getting blown over so i had to tie it to something. Keep in mind all 5 plants you see were started AT THE SAME TIME, lol :P


The picture with two plants in it shows the male on the left which was chopped shortly after (very unhealthy from ph but i have fixed that now.)

Here's a few attempts at group shots ranging from day 23. Ill throw in some more ones :D


The 2nd and 3rd pics are the front and back of the 7 footer with the bent top, or half rather. the 4th and 6th pics are the group shots and the other 2 are just nice bud shots. Sorry i dunno how to put the images in order :P

I will get some shots tomorrow to give you an idea of scale with a bic lighter or something and ill try get a full pic of the 7 footer xD