First Grow Is Going Great!


Active Member
Finally, with my wife's blessings, I started growing. What it is I don't quite know, it was a bag seed from some very tasty budz.....first seed I'd seen in a bag for a while so I figured what the hell? Started in a Rubbermaid set up, and switched to a small tent when I started flowering, I'm about 12 days into flowering and over the weekend she showed herself to be female!!! Woo-hooo!! I'll get some photos up tomorrow, right now she's sleeping!


Well-Known Member
Congradulations on your first girl, it's always exiting to find your efforts were worth it ( female ), now's the hard part,..... patients.


Well-Known Member
Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.

What soil, nutrients and lights you got them under. CFL I know but what K and how much.

Looking great!


Active Member
Soil: Fox Farms Ocean Forest
Nutrients: Veg- Dr. Earth Nitro Big Flower- Dr. Earth Golden Bloom
Right now I have 16 23w Cfls Mostly 2700k with a couple of 6500k's thrown in...during veg it was all 6500 but I think I only had 10-12
Light cycle for veg was 18.5 hours on and 5.5 off, now I'm on 12/12.

When she was just a baby I "topped" her at the 4th node, now I have 4 branches nearly as thick as the trunk branching off. I also did LST on her when she did start branching, which I'm sure is why she is shorter and bushier which is what I was hoping for.

I'm thinking 8 weeks of flowering, give or take, which will put me to right about Dec. 10


Well-Known Member
So "It's a Girl". Send us all an E-Cigar

Really nice plant for your first.... Kudos!

Just keep on keeping on with whatever you are doing. Don't do anything drastic with nutes, water or lighting. You have this gal dialed in, just keep her green and growing and you will be rewarded.


Active Member
Thanks guys!! It's really exciting seeing it all come together....I've been gardening outdoors, flowers and veggies, for about 7 years, and I love it, indoor horticulture seemed like a well timed natural transition, I love the process of growing things, and having the control in the indoor environment is really quite fun....I started a beginner's bonsai tree about the same time, it started with a little jade branch we got at the farmer's market.....also very fun, I'll post a pic...
Soil: Fox Farms Ocean Forest
Nutrients: Veg- Dr. Earth Nitro Big Flower- Dr. Earth Golden Bloom
Right now I have 16 23w Cfls Mostly 2700k with a couple of 6500k's thrown in...during veg it was all 6500 but I think I only had 10-12
Light cycle for veg was 18.5 hours on and 5.5 off, now I'm on 12/12.

When she was just a baby I "topped" her at the 4th node, now I have 4 branches nearly as thick as the trunk branching off. I also did LST on her when she did start branching, which I'm sure is why she is shorter and bushier which is what I was hoping for.

I'm thinking 8 weeks of flowering, give or take, which will put me to right about Dec. 10
I must be misreading, you have SIXTEEN 23w CFLs on one plant?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Just keep on keeping on with whatever you are doing. Don't do anything drastic with nutes, water or lighting. You have this gal dialed in, just keep her green and growing and you will be rewarded.
i'll repeat what AimAim just said...don't change a thing, keep the ship pointed straight ahead and you will do just fine