First Grow just started :D


Well-Known Member
it's almost impossible to find cause only a few upper class people know about it. people here still don't know what marijuana is, they think its all hash and all black.
oh and the hash here has doubled the already freaking high price to double that price with worse quality because of the war against terrorishits in Yemen. everything got more expensive this year gas prices increased 2 weeks ago by 50% :D perfect time to grow.
no that does not matter the producers are working slaves normally even if they do not know they are slaves
so they amount they make is always coming out at one price is where u are on the matter of the food chain ( i am near a port city with main interstates north and south east to west )....what comes in from FL and MD (baltimore port big hub) ....then u got the shit coming over from canook land in to NY traveling down the line

the farther out from these main points the more it cost and normally the more stepped on
i can get a 8 ball of some fish scale coke 210 and i know he is making a profit on it (we are talking pure shit off the boat)
now in ohio your lucky if u get some for 350 and it been cut hard 60-70%

now where u are unless u have a major player in the area that is tight on what he is willing to accept most of your stuff is weaker then what u can get on the coasts ....and will always be priced higher each time it exchanges hands 2 things happen
1 they step on it or mess with it in some way to ensure transport ( weed sitting in 120 degree shipping container is getting weaker every hour it is in there)
2 the price increases slightly ......handling charges everyone gets a taste to where finally the street dealer makes the most on it ( again stepping on it and increase the handling charge to the prices u get)

rule 8/9 i in the game cut the man out when u can better product cheaper price ........after u picked up enough weight for the person to trust u raise the amount to higher then they have on hand .......they intro u to the other guy that they get theirs from and u have moved up the chain decreasing the price improving the grade......also increased your street cred but u also increased likely hood name will get said .....rem these ppl are not your friend or family they will roll on your ass so fast to save own

that is the black market game in simplest terms


Well-Known Member
I've never used a fabric pot, I've been growing for almost 10 years..those pots will work fine if ya pop a couple holes in the bottom.

That's messed up @underD , I assumed hash was cheap out there.
try one u have better response
when u are done a root check after u cut the root mass using same soil strain and feed plan on both

just for shits and giggles


Well-Known Member
I know they work great, I just don't like being a slave to the garden and like being able to leave for a few days without the plants suffering.. I can sneak away now for 3-4 days and come home n water- feed everything.


Well-Known Member
I know they work great, I just don't like being a slave to the garden and like being able to leave for a few days without the plants suffering.. I can sneak away now for 3-4 days and come home n water- feed everything.
if u use super soil u can leave .......use a automatic watering system (even if it just the globe in the soil like u see for house plants)

normally a 7 gallon planter is good for about 3 and half days (u can water every 2 if it is a big feeder)