first Grow under 2 cfl lights flowering for 6 weeks


Well-Known Member
Add more light and make it mostly that 2700k. Small bulbs in home depot shop lamps would be my recommendation to spread the light across the foliage evenly.

If you take cuttings now they can still grow, you'll just have to wait for your clone to revert back to veg. But once it does, you can grow it as big as you like and switch it back to female whenever you want.

Best of luck!


last nite i saw a spidermite on one of the leaves, i removed it with some tape, so that means that the buds are forming huh, sense spidermites love buds..
ill keep the look out for more. i notice a leaf had a hole in there so i knew it was around , good thing i found it. where do they come from doe

its on week 7 now, ill take some pics tonight after i change the water ....

will putting a fence around the plant help it.?



Sorry bout the quality, i need to get me a better camera, and the fan was on so it made them come out kind of blurry, but let me know what you think and how i can improve.
i gave it a bit more nutes, maybe it will help the buds get a lil swole, well ill see what happens.

You think if i trim the leaves at the bottom it will help the buds that are getting more light?
or i can trim the bud sites at the bottom that are not getting much light , i can use those as clones,, they got pistils but they are small.
let me know.


Well-Known Member
you probably meant "switch it back to flower"
Sure did. Sometimes I type a little faster than I think.

As far as those spider mites go, I would mist the shit out of the leaves for the next few days. Spider mites don't like water, especially on their potential homes.


Sorry, but I don't want to be responsible for any exploding light bulbs


Well-Known Member
Sure did. Sometimes I type a little faster than I think.

As far as those spider mites go, I would mist the shit out of the leaves for the next few days. Spider mites don't like water, especially on their potential homes.


Sorry, but I don't want to be responsible for any exploding light bulbs
Don't go over board with it though, you could promote mold growth!


Don't go over board with it though, you could promote mold growth!
well i really dont want to get the leaves wet cus it will wipe out the crystals. and like u said might cause mold...
hold up speaking about watering, guess what happend.
i checked em last night and the water was gone i was like no way they could of drankd 5 gallons of water in one night. well they didnt, thing was one of my drippers was throwin the water out,
no wonder my carpet was wet. i hope that dont cause any problems. building up molde cus it got the box wet. but ill keep an eye out........

oh yea i gots to ask, like u know theres some bud sites in the bottom but the haits are small. like its not getting much light, i think i should cut them out. like all the bottom ones so more nutes go to the main budsites at the top?.
maybe they will get more swole cus it be consentrating on the ones in top instead of all over the place.
well let me know


Well-Known Member
well i really dont want to get the leaves wet cus it will wipe out the crystals. and like u said might cause mold...
hold up speaking about watering, guess what happend.
i checked em last night and the water was gone i was like no way they could of drankd 5 gallons of water in one night. well they didnt, thing was one of my drippers was throwin the water out,
no wonder my carpet was wet. i hope that dont cause any problems. building up molde cus it got the box wet. but ill keep an eye out........

oh yea i gots to ask, like u know theres some bud sites in the bottom but the haits are small. like its not getting much light, i think i should cut them out. like all the bottom ones so more nutes go to the main budsites at the top?.
maybe they will get more swole cus it be consentrating on the ones in top instead of all over the place.
well let me know
Let's hope you don't encounter mold...

and you can do's called "lollipopping", removing lower growth to promote more growth to the main colas...
you can even clone the branches you choose to pull off...


Well-Known Member
Don't go over board with it though, you could promote mold growth!
True, you'll probably want to use a light touch with the mist, and if you're worried about knocking the crystals off the sugar leaves you could try applying water with a more gentle method (maybe wetting a q-tip or something similar), but I'd much rather knock off some trichs than have the whole crop eaten by spider mites.

Just my opinion though, there may be other solutions.


Let's hope you don't encounter mold...

and you can do's called "lollipopping", removing lower growth to promote more growth to the main colas...
you can even clone the branches you choose to pull off...

really? cool i guess i got me some clones, all i gots to do is put them on 18 hours of light and they go back ?
yea ill do that gots to get me some rock wool cubes then ill start removing the bottom ones,
maybe my main colas start gettin fat.

but the strange thing is like the one cola thats in the corner, the light isnt really hitting it and its the one that gots more bud, isnt that something, i figured the one that is below the light would be the one.

and yea ima keep a look out for mold, i dont want none of that, i might have to remove the door of the box that got wet.


True, you'll probably want to use a light touch with the mist, and if you're worried about knocking the crystals off the sugar leaves you could try applying water with a more gentle method (maybe wetting a q-tip or something similar), but I'd much rather knock off some trichs than have the whole crop eaten by spider mites.

Just my opinion though, there may be other solutions.

yea good looking out, ill try doing it with a qtip. and i seen the spider mite on the fan leaves, the ones that dont have any cystals or if they do not much. so it should be oki check out the colas too see if they got anything like that, so far i only seen the one i killed, ..

oh yea im not supose to have the fans blowing right at the pistils right ? well thats how i got them.


Well-Known Member
add more cfls sonny, those buds look too tiny! I've attached an image of one of my colas .. this is what is should look like around week 8ish.



i need to get me some 2700k lights

cus im not getting no buds:confused:
how long did it take for those buds to appear? im 3 weeks into flower under 2 x 250w 2700 cfls and my buds are looking like that, if not bigger and have done for the last week or so


how long did it take for those buds to appear? im 3 weeks into flower under 2 x 250w 2700 cfls and my buds are looking like that, if not bigger and have done for the last week or so
6 weeks like it says on the top
on 2 cfl lights