First Grow

Give me the stats of your grow room and let's see if we can figure this out. Bear in mind if this does work the potency of your buds will be reduced. Also if you can please get growers ally fungicide (should be citric acid)

Hey there neighbor. Thanks for your time in writing this advice. I would give it a try, but Im nearing end of my flower phase and at this stage I don’t see any more mold, Ive got it under control. The molded buds I pruned off, last week and week before. Adding a circulation fan seemed to have reduced RH. I dont see any more molded buds on the infected plant, and the plant next to it is fine (visually). I’ll be hanging the plants soon, as Im in middle of a water flush before I cut and start dry this week.

Ive got to admit, I underestimated the importance of airflow (thought the exhaust fan and open port was all I needed; seemed to work in veg) and need for humidity control (def invest in a dehumidifier).


Hey there neighbor. Thanks for your time in writing this advice. I would give it a try, but Im nearing end of my flower phase and at this stage I don’t see any more mold, Ive got it under control. The molded buds I pruned off, last week and week before. Adding a circulation fan seemed to have reduced RH. I dont see any more molded buds on the infected plant, and the plant next to it is fine (visually). I’ll be hanging the plants soon, as Im in middle of a water flush before I cut and start dry this week.

Ive got to admit, I underestimated the importance of airflow (thought the exhaust fan and open port was all I needed; seemed to work in veg) and need for humidity control (def invest in a dehumidifier).
Alright for sure. I would recommend a wet trim since leaves hold onto humidity and you don't want that mold to resurface. Good luck!!