First Grow!!!


Active Member
This is our first grow ever. Box was made form a 30 gallon rubbermaid tote. Cut 8 holes in the lid for the net pots. We are using 8 100w daylight cfl's. Started the Germination of seeds (bag seed) 10/10/08 - Husband murdered most of those (by accident) so we had to start from scratch on all but 3 - Transferred to box 11/02/08. - Using General Hydroponics Flora Series nutrients. The last picture is of when they were first transferred - Latest pictures were taken 11/15/08.

Any suggestions or comments???



Well-Known Member
buy ph down. hehe i neglected it and boy I wont ever again. squeezing lemons all the time kinda gets redandunt


Active Member
You don't NEED ph down, but you need a ph tester. make sure your water ph level is where it should be. There's a lotta info on that in these forums... and it's different for hydro and soil.


Well-Known Member
If your growing Hydro you NEED some PH down. get it from any hardware store in the spa/hot tub area. Basically phosphoric or nitric acid. You want to have a PH of around 5.6-5.8 for DWC.

Your plants look a little bit magnesium deficient by the looks of the light green colored margins on the 1 plant. You def have Indica plants there, those leaves are huge!

IMO everything looks pretty darn good!!



Active Member
Its been a productive month. I am including some new pics. We had to downsize - Thankfully the HUGE plant is a girl! The rest were all boys, except for 2 that we couldn't tell yet. They were being over powered by the Momma Plant. We switched over to Flowering stage last weekend. So far so good.

Anyone have any suggestions as to what we do to remove the root balls from the clipped boy plants?



Active Member
So - here we are - down to one female. Thankfully she was the largest we had. I attempted to make canna butter with the male remains, but don't think it turned out right. We had about 10 oz of male plant matter and simmered for 4 hours in butter (2 pounds-salted sweet cream) and water. Then refridgerated and seperated. I used 1/2 cup in some cookie mix. Ate 3 cookies and nothing. I could taste the butter (hubby says he couldn't). I will try to make something else and see if I can add more butter. Any suggestions - or is it a waste of time? Just trying to make some of my friends have a merrier holiday :) So back to our momma plant - this is 2 weeks into flowering. How's she looking??

