First Grow -


Hi everyone,

Long time Marijuana advocate, first time grower. I always strayed away from growing myself, simply because i thought it wasn't possible without a large upfront investment for all of the needed materials. As i now know, i was completely wrong, as i was basing all of my grow knowledge off of indoor setups. I was curious if i would be able to grow plants with no store bought chemicals or nutrients, so i decided to setup this little trial grow experiment. Countless pages online of recommended products to add to your plants, all with their own benefits and drawbacks. I was curious though, if i would be able to grow a healthy plant using nothing but the water from my fish tank, the fish tank filter runoff during cleanings, and top dressing my plants with home made compost that has been developing in my backyard underneath a brush pile for a few years. Other than fishtank water / runoff / compost, no other nutrients are being used.

I went into this completely blind, really only knowing bits and pieces of things i had read online prior to germination. One thing i wish i would have done differently is to have planted them in their final pots on day 1. Also, all seeds received from a close friend who let me rummage through his bags and take any seeds i had found, so there's quite a variety of plants here, although i have no clue what is what at this point.

Plant #1 - Planted June 16, 2018.

(All of my seeds were initially labeled with their strain, but due to my scatterbrain, i ended up pulling the labels during transplanting, and then completely forgetting what came from where... oops)

((These 3 plants are either Jack Herer, Amherst Sour Diesel, Girl Scout Cookie, or Sunrise Sherbert))

Plant 1 - Sprouted - June 16, 2018

Plant 1 - June 27 , 2018

Plant 1 - July 10, 2018

Plant 1 - August 2, 2018

Plant 1 - August 29, 2018

And that's where we stand so far on Plant 1 - I was worried for a few days thinking she may have been a hermie, due to one small sac i found forming on one of the nodes. I plucked it and let it go.

Plant 1 - August 29, 2018


Plant 2 - July 10, 2018

Plant 2 - July 22, 2018

(Shortly after this photo, i decided i would top this plant in order to be able to compare growth between the plants. I know topping is mostly an indoor method, but i figure the more experience i have under my belt, the better.)

Plant 2 - August 2, 2018

Plant 2 - August 26, 2018

Plant 2 - August 27, 2018


Plant 3 - July 23, 2018 (I didn't take many photos of this one during veg sadly)

Plant 3 - August 26, 2018

Plant 3 - August 29, 2018

Plant 3 - August 29, 2018


Thanks for checking out my grow guys, and be sure to check back in for some more updates !