First Guerilla Grow *PICS*


Hey growers.
this is my first outdoor grow.
Its just about spring here in Australia and the weather is a mixture or winter and spring.
I planted 30 seeds (unknown strain),about 3 weeks ago and 29 came up, although they were growing slowly now that the weather has heated up their starting to thrive.
Ive given them a dose of aquasol fert and they seemed to like it.
ive got them in cages to keep kangaroos n rabbits out..

Some seedlings are heaps smaller than others, is there a reason for this or is it normal?

ill keep posting pics as they grow

any advice would be appreciated



Certainly no expert here, but the pics are screaming to me that your babies need to be in separate containers pretty quickly. I too have started multiple plants in a large surface area pot, but got them moved soon before the roots begin to intertwine. If they get tangled, the risk of damage or shock when transplanting is great. Other than that, great start... Isn't it great to see life come from a seed?


Active Member
It's crazy too think that people are just getting started with their grows. The cages are a good idea but you would be better off with just one seedling per container, those things are going to be wayyy too cramped. Also, it's a bit too early for ferts,your better off just letting them feed off of what's already in the soil for a couple more weeks, then gradually introduce ferts. You also don't want to have your pots sitting in water, they are going to be too moist. Your plants will grow faster and develop a better root system if you let the pots dry out between watering. Good luck, I hope your first grow goes better than mine did!


Well-Known Member
Nice early start for u there mate,ill be gettin my own out in the the bush within the next month,yeh id definately get em into there own pots if u want em to reach their full potential,good luck though.


Well-Known Member
Those are tiny for 3 weeks. They look absolutely DROWNED in the first set of pictures. Don't put them in those things that hold water, they aren't getting any drainage.

They're probably so small because they're severely overwatered. Let them dry out between waterings.


yeah i took em out of the trays . the first pics for some reason some leaves look yellow while they are dark green


Well-Known Member
The trick to knowing when to water is easy. Pick up your pot after you water it. Feel how heavy it is? DO NOT water until the pot is light again.

Say you water the pot with 1 gallon of water. That gallon is like 8 lbs. So when you pick up the pot it will be 8 lbs lighter if it needs water. In your pots it would be pretty easy.

This is called the heft method.


ohk yeah good idea , i felt the dirt in the bottom and it was so damp, like sloppy wonder they wernt growing!

with 8 plants should half be male and half female if i remove the males as soon as i identify them?


Bad news. i was out the other day watering my plants and 2 kids come walking through and spotted my plants, i hid behind a tree, put my head in my shirt and jumped out from behind the tree screaming jibberish.
They ran but now i gotta find a new spot.

would they survive if i planted them straight into the ground, maybe with some soil and something to protect them from animals?