First Jamaica Outdoor Grow


Active Member
I moved from Canada to jamaica to escape the winter.
We got a good strain from a rasta one day that had some nice seeds in it so we decided to plant them (4 plants in the one pot on the left).
About a week after, some friends of ours came down from canada and brought some "Power Plant" feminized seeds for us. So we planted them to. From the 5 seeds only 2 sprouted. The one was stunted for about a month but is starting to make a come back... The other plant grew great from the start (Single Plant in pot on the right). Growing faster then the jamaican strain from the beginning.

We keep all the plants under a light at night time to keep them in a veg state.

Over the last week or so I noticed the one healthy power plant was developing spots, was lighter green, the leaves edges were curling in.

The light greenness i figured was an N deficiency but i wasnt sure about the spots.

I have only experienced curling edges indoors when there is too much light/heat. After doing some reading the only other cause i could find would be over/under watering which i dont think is the case either.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

YA MON!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm from Canada, what part of Canada are you from? Moving to Jamaica has been a dream of mine for some time now, mainly because ounces go for cheap down there, real long growing seasons and I absolutely hate cold temperatures, I feel like Im supposed to migrate. As far as your plants go, they are looking pretty healthy. You mentioned spots and and leave edges curling in. It could be a deficiency of some kind. What kind of fertilizer are you giving them?


I have a very similar looking plant and had the exact same dots and leave curling, I think it was some sort of deficiency because all I did was feed differently and it went away (old spots are still there but no more formed) and the plant never really seemed harmed at all

Idk what the cause was but i'm curious to know


Active Member
Thanks for both of your responses.

Ounces are pretty cheap - Of course there is high grade and low grade. For high grade - we pay about 12$US 1/2 OZ.. Thats local prices though. Most tourists that come end up paying alot more then that and get some sess.

From the start they were being grown in miracle grow - until a couple of weeks ago when i switched to this new soil. So far i have been all organic - using whats around. I have used some goat shit so far - from what i read it is high in nitrogen. I am in the process of getting some chicken shit from the guy we buy eggs from(as i read its has the highest level of nitrogen of all organic manures).

The problem with fertilizers is ... I would love to walk into a gardening shop and have a selection of 20 different fertilizers.. but those places dont exist down here. I am used to using the Advanced Nutrient series in the past and would love to have some right about now...

Anything organic should be must easier for me to find