first outdoor guerilla grow


Well-Known Member
So I'm trying my first guerilla grow...
I'm about 3 weeks in and I'm about to start using nutes
and molasses when I water my site is close enough to go
see as often as I need to...I prefer to go in the early morning
hours but occassionally will go during the day...
I'm trying to remember what ratio I should be using for the
nutes and the ratio for the molasses...also I haven't had any
issues with bugs or other pests but if I do anyone have any
suggestions on what I can use to protect my crop?


Well-Known Member
i use molasses for inside growing, make teas out of it, great if used in moderation(i use 1 tsp per 1/2 gallon of water)
but i wonder what it might attract outdoors


Well-Known Member
Hey bugaboo, might want to look into the molasses thing for vegin'. I was under the impression that molasses was used in the budding cycle, as it is a heavy carb and helps with bud density, stuff like that. And when you do use the molasses, go light, tends to promote mold thru over feeding. But do not take my word for it, google it, and keep reading around on this site lots of question answered just by reading the threads. Good luck with your grow, and remember share with those less fortunate.


Well-Known Member
yeah im a little worried about anything that might attract pests but i used molasses for an indoor grow the last time i tried and the plants exploded after i started using it...but lets say i use the molasses and i do get some pests whats the safest way to protect my girls? i don't want to get to flowering and one day i check on them and theyve been ravaged.


Well-Known Member
what are we talking price range for the neem and repeals all? so far ive spent $0 on this grow i had a really nice grow 2 years ago and i'm using my leftovers...


Well-Known Member
yeah im a little worried about anything that might attract pests but i used molasses for an indoor grow the last time i tried and the plants exploded after i started using it...but lets say i use the molasses and i do get some pests whats the safest way to protect my girls? i don't want to get to flowering and one day i check on them and theyve been ravaged.
i'm just getting ready to do my 1st outdoor grow in quite a while
i'd say the safest protection is wire/mechanical barriers
that may not be practical, but for animals, it's a sure thing if done right
on the repulsive stuff, i see so many different experiences, not convinced any really work for animals
insect pests are too numerous in varieties, depends what's in your area, and that you probably won't know until you start your grow