First time CFL Easy Ryder Autos Grow


New Member
Hey, RIU community,

So, after some research done and lots of struggles with seeds I got my Easy Ryders on a shelve for more than a year and decided that time has finally come up to try growing these girls. I have been reading lots of journals, and came up to conclusion that I should start one myself to get your help and advice on few major problems I have now.

Seeds: The Joint Doctor's Easy Ryder 3 feminized seeds (Only 2 of them survived, last one didn't make it, because of some newbie mistakes and that was an alpha plant. :( )

Lighting: At the moment girls are under 2x 6500k 26w CFL, I know they need more, so I'm thinking about 125w CFL, but I'm not sure should I get dual spectrum or just add few more 6500k 26w for vegitate and get one 125w 2700k and few extra 26w 2700k for flowering?

Soil: I know I did a huge mistake, but since I had to rush it up, I used just random soil from garden. I will have to repot them anyway since they are in one pot now, so then I will add some normal soil, the prob is I'm from Eastern Europe and can't really get my hands on something like Fox Farm, so I will figure something out I guess.

The box: Since it'll be stealth grow I'll be using a box a built out of old cabinets the size is around 18'' x 22'' x 38'', so that'll be plenty of room for them. At the moment they are in so called shelter I had to build out of what I had around me, also I have prepared few PC fans, some active carbon for later carbon filter.

For now Girls are looking great. It's 12th day after they sprouted out of ground both are about 3" tall, also there's a fan making this gentle breeze for them, to strengthen the stem. Today moved lamps few inches a bit further since it was only about 2" above them, going to water them only tomorrow. I will post pics as soon as I'll be able to. I would like some advice on what to do with lamps and some solutions with soil if possible and have a green weekend guys :mrgreen:

P.S. Sorry for my bad English. :mrgreen:


New Member
Day 19

So, girls are growing quite well, going to repot them today or tomorrow. I still haven't got my 125w cfl, but I'm giving them some sunlight. Here are some pics.


New Member
Day 24

Hey, RIU, so girls are doing great considering their situation. Repoted them yesterday into one big pot instead of two, since it's dwarfs, and they'll have plenty of room there. They were a bit stressed, because I accidently ripped some roots off, but everything looks good so far. Added some pics too. Can somebody tell me, are their stems not too stretched considering it's dwarfs?



Well-Known Member
Are you going to transplant those If so be super careful your roots will get tangled when you have two plants together like that in the same pot


Well-Known Member
It amazes me that two little CFL's can carry a plant so well. Bro what do you plan to do when those plants outgrow that pot? I would be putting them in there own 5g pot's like today or you're going to have a horrible mess. But ya they look great.

P.S the first 4 or 5 inches look stretched but the rest looks fine. Once the stem thickens a little more it won't look so bad.


New Member
Daamn, no one responded so far, so I didn't check this place too often. So, as I said, they are in a bigger pot now, but because of lack of lighting, I can't really separate them because that'll take up too much space. Also after first repot I'm quite scared to do it again because I ripped some roots off if they'll get really big I will consider about doing that. Now girl look great, the problem with lights still there I hope I'll get my 125w as soon as possible, next week going to build up my new box, because the smell is slowly getting out of hand, but since I keep the window open all the time it's not that much of a problem now. If I won't get 125w I will get 6-8 26w 2700k CFL's. Also I'm not using any nutes or anything, so decided to use some pieces of apple as compost (just being creative you know :D ). Can anyone give me some advices on this organic compost idea??

Day 27



New Member
Day 31

So, they look really good, added one more 2700k, still trying to get one more powerful, but atm I'm a bit short on money.



Active Member
Those are some long-ass pistols hahaha, looking good. I've read tho that you're not supposed to have more than one plant per pot, because if one plant has a problem you cant treat it individually.


New Member
Yeah, I know about that, but I just couldn't separate them because of my lighting system and now it's to late to repot since roots probably have tangled.


Active Member
Plants look good and healthy, pistils are starting to come out. Keep up the care you are giving them.


New Member
I'm trying my best. :) The prob is that there will be some relatives coming to stay at our place for a weekend and I'll probably will have to carry them outside (because of the smell) for a few nights. I found a nice place, just hope there won't be something like storm coming up...


New Member
Today wasn't so good for my girls... Started my new box, covered it in light reflecting folium (can't remember the exact word) and stuff, hanged the lights, but unfortunately, 2 of lamp holders melted down because of the heat, since I had to cover up the fan holes until I was out. After I came back I found them hanging down next to walls and one of girls burned a bit... Top bud now has one side a bit brown and 2 leaves curled up... I really hope that won't cause much of problems. Going to upgrade the box as much as possible tomorrow, add fans, light traps, maybe even carbon filter.


New Member
eager to see how this turns out. i want to run 2-4 plants under a 125 watt cfl and see if i get a yield as good as i do with my 150 watt hid.


Active Member
Keeping my eye on this 1. Got 1 easy ryder going on myself. Day 13 for her. Using 3 26watt 6500k cfl and 1 26watt 2700k cfl. 2 gallon pot. Happy frog soil. Yours is looking good. Hope the burn is ok. Good job and good luck.


New Member
Hey, everyone. The grow is going good so far, buds are forming normally, except I can't understand why the bottom leaves are withering, is it normal at this time or should I do something about it, I'll post pics a bit later.


New Member
Today I fed my girls with few pieces of water melon, and came up with even better idea. I'll let soil suck anything good those pieces have for a few days (apple pieces dried out but didn't rot at all last time), then take them out and next time put in some watermelon and apple crush it into sauce like material and mix it with water. Do anyone think this would work out?


New Member
Day 43

So, as I promised, pics of my girls, tried to do as much as possible of the burned bud and those few leaves, it looks like minor injuries by now.
