First time grower needing help with trimming our plant


The plant is 6 weeks old after germination. There are alot of fanned out leaves, The question we have is Should I cut the fanned out leaves and will it hurt the plant if I do? I have seen people cut the top about 4 inches down. Is this necessary because i would really hate to cut my plant up especially now that it is growing little white hairs on the top and on the colas. The only reason I want to know if it is safe cutting the fanned out leaves is because they are blocking light from some of the colas and if I do need to trim them do i cut it at the main stem? Will it hurt it if I do not trim it much only the leaves that are in the way?



Well-Known Member
maybe tuck the leaves out of the way instead of cutting them .. if you dont have the room you may have to top or lst .. otherwise let it grow the way it is .. i dont cut leaves .. others do .. pros and cons to each ..

happy growin
cutting the leaves will shock the plant and the plant will also use energy to repair the leaves instead of growing stem and getting bigger. So i would do like Tellno said and just tuck the leaves away.