First time grower


New Member
Im new to the growing world and i want to grow grade A outdoor cannabis in my backyard. I'm goin shopping tommorow and I'm going too get miracle grow potting soil, pots, and clones from the club.
what all do I need too have a successful grow? Is it growing time for outdoor in Northern California?(frost worries)
how should my setup be?
& how long does it take?


Well-Known Member
People here frown upon miracle grow soil. The nutes are "built in" and time release giving the user no control. I use foxfarm ocean forest or root organic soil...then feed with maxsea

As for can't put them outside till after may 11 (mothers day) or they will just flower. You can veg them inside or use supplemental lighting, till then.
You need to think about a few things before you start. First being how much cash you want to drop, then what size plants are you after.
You can go as small as 5 gallon buckets (I wouldn't) up to 400 gallon smart pots (that's 2 yards of soil!)
Harvest is in October here in Norcal.

Do yourself a huge favor and read more before spending any money.....
G luck!


Well-Known Member
since its your first grow i suggest using the KISS rule - keep it simple stupid

- first read through the forum a bit (not just the outdoor grow section, the general grow, and newbie sections both contain great information

- if your growing in pots watch that the potting mix your using doesn't contain nutrients (nutrient rich soil can kill seedling and un-established clones)

- when starting to add ferts start with 1/4 then work your way up to full strength (remember its better to under feed than over feed)

- transplant as few times as possible (the more you transplant the more you shock the plant which increases the chance of a hermi)

- time. an outdoor grow typically takes between 4-6 months. plant at the start of spring.

- outdoors your plant will get as big as you let it get so plan accordingly. the size of the pot will dictate how much room there for roots which in turn controls how big a plant will get. you wont get a 3 metre (10 ft) high plant from a 20 litre (5 gal) pot. training and topping can also keep the size down (or at least from growing too high)


Active Member
look on craigs list for some good local soil and compost i your going to use a yard or more that should be the best way to get it. and amend it yourself.


Well-Known Member
More plants are killed by ''over careing'' than neglect , It's nothing more than a weed that happens to be fairly hardy

Theirs nothing wrong with MG soil or other products / Unless your in a dessert stay away from the moisture control