first time growing indoors and I DROPPED THE SEEDS! HELPPP!

I decided to germ them so I could only plant the ones that had a taproot after 2-3 days.

But when I took off the top paper towel and set the container down it tipped knocking them on the ground. the taproots were pretty short and none of the taproots broke so I planted them all anyway, but I see people saying if that happens you end up with a hermie...

I would say maybe a slight growth stunt causing them to take an extra day or two to break through the soil, but a hermie? seriously?

Do you think they will be alright? Seeds in general are strong but idk much about germinating.

Next time I'm going to soak for 12 hours and then plant so this doesn't happen again.


New Member
like he said relax they will be ok
tough plant

did u know some plants seeds r ate by birds and shit out and grow


Well-Known Member
Where did you see that? I would never listen to anything whoever told you that said again. That will not happen. That person sounds like they have some sort of phobia that anything can make their plant hermie. Really all you gotta worry about is not interuppting the dark period during flower.
I didn't say I believed it...

I just never bothered with that germinating nonsense because when I grew outside I started with cheap soil.
This time since I'm indoors and starting them with more expensive soil I didn't want to waste it on seeds that wouldn't sprout.

Big mistake by the way, I'm going straight to soil like usual next time. Germinating is just a waste of paper towels.
And I got this information on a growing forum..

I read this forum a lot for my weird growing questions like this one.
But when it comes to actually growing I see tons of bad advice from these so called "growers" on here.


New Member
I didn't say I believed it...

I just never bothered with that germinating nonsense because when I grew outside I started with cheap soil.
This time since I'm indoors and starting them with more expensive soil I didn't want to waste it on seeds that wouldn't sprout.

Big mistake by the way, I'm going straight to soil like usual next time. Germinating is just a waste of paper towels.
try the shot glass germination method it works if u google it u will find some great info

and a guy did a soil,paper towel, shotglass germination test side by side and had more seeds pop with shotglass like 90%