Flavoring Buds


So between my personal crops, I usually pick up from my friends mom. She grew some strong Blackberry Kush but she trims like shit and the flavor is pretty much non existent. I re-trim it all and put it back into a mason jar. I've heard putting in orange peels or other citrus peels add a bit of flavoring. I've always just put water on a Q-tip and taped it to the lid to moisten up the buds. I recently came across TastyPuff and ended up purchasing a bottle of the watermelon. I didn't think it was a good idea to directly spray the buds so I went back to my old Q-tip trick and just sprayed the stuff on them in place of the water. Well, IT WORKED! I now have watermelon kush that is club worthy. It's amazing what a difference a good trim a bit of flavoring does! Anyways, just wanted to share that with you guys!


Well-Known Member
Flavor curing when you put some dries fruit peels in the jar in a sachet bag like cooks use, and cure the regular way