flavour your plant's?


Active Member
ok i cant test this idea yet.. its winter in michigan. anyways has anyone tried giving there plants citric acid?in the roots or even possible injection with a syrienge. if citric acid taste citrusy when smoked


I used lemon juice exclusively to pH my water in an organic soil grow. Had a high pH to start with so it ended up being a lot. I definitely noticed a citrus-y taste.

I definitely wouldn't inject it with a syringe though.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Lemon Skunk man, Lemon Skunk. Shit will blow your mind. It's like Pledge.

There are all kinds of citrus flavored strains. Pineapple, grapefruit, orange, lemon, and lime. All of these scents and flavors can be found in different varieties of MJ. Just do some homework and pick one that works for you.

Personal favorite is Lemon Skunk though. Amazing stuff.


Active Member
I finish some of my strains with heavy dose of molasses and you can taste it.... NOt trying to call it alnything it aint...


Active Member
JoC do you mean like if im selling? Snow Crash who do you order thru and is it good fer michigan outdoor grows? MadCatter wat was the taste you got....? and thanks fer the input everyone

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I order through Attitude and I suggest the GreenHouse Seeds Lemon Skunk. I'm not sure about climates, and there might be better stuff available elsewhere, C99 if you can find it is quite citrusy.

Just look around, keep your eyes peeled, you have a few months before you need to get started for outdoor. Especially in Michigan.


Active Member
yeah but im pretty new only done 2 actual grows. i learned it best to be ready earlier. i changed my mind i think i just do sum ai's 5 fem then 10 bagseeds. def gonna give lemon a try i got a friend with a hook up on clones not sure if he has lemon i ll find a citrus to add too my group tho