For all you expererts designing grow rooms.....

im in a pickle, im moving back home and I have a very beautiful young mother plant that I want to take with me so I can get clones for outside. My parents dont agree(you could say) with :leaf::wall: but i was wondering if there is a way to hide the plant without them finding it in a stealth grow just under vegetation stage. Shes about 1ft and a half tall. I will be having a closet that about 2ft deep 8 feet long 8 feet high, also a dresser about 5 feet high 2 feet deep, a T.V stand thats the same as the dresser. My parents do go in and out sometimes..... anyone have any ideas....


Well-Known Member
He means respect your parents' rules in their house. There's plenty of seasons left to grow need to go growing *ahem* "drugs" in your Mom's house, right?


Well-Known Member
He means respect your parents' rules in their house. There's plenty of seasons left to grow need to go growing *ahem* "drugs" in your Mom's house, right?
Or even wait until you're living on your own, paying your own rent.


Well-Known Member
It is just one of many good incentives to move out too, once you move out (even tho its expensive) you will NEVER wanna move back home.
Heh, you should have made up a better story. But you could keep mothers in a 4' tall cupboar for a while.... Just make sure there are no light leaks, but if your folks catch you who knows..

Agree with the rest that say to gtfo of parents house. I'd sooner die thn live with mine.


Well-Known Member
find a buddy who will take the plant & give you clones for outdoors or when you are back on your own.


Well-Known Member
Can i hide a plant in my dresser .

Haha,cmon kid,get real,you want to hide a plant in a dresser,im sure that having a shit ton of clamp light cfl's jammied up in your dresser will make mom & pop's feel safe at night.

The silly ass unsafe bullshit you kids think about doing with electricity makes me wonder,has any adult in your life ever taught you about electrical saftey cause jamming lights in dressers is without a doubt a big ass bbq waiting to happen.