Gage Green Group Info Thread

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im always trying to improve my game... always trying to learn new techniques. once you think you got this ship... wrong, some little kid will pass you by...
you got to be willing to try new stuff, and be open minded. dont be hard head and use common sense
I'm about to go throw a bottle of probiotics on my garden beds right now :) I've got an extra bottle sitting around from when I had Claustridium Difficile. Might as well use em for something. Maybe they'll help my soil.
It's really easy to make too akhiym. If you have some rice, milk, molasses, and a substrate (wheat bran, coco coir, shredded news paper, etc) you can whip up a big batch for very cheap, and it keeps for quite a while too.

See I wouldn't mind making it if I had the time. My time is so limited and I mean that work the mrs my daughter two dogs one that's a puppy plus the plants plus I have a house now so yard work every two weeks and were re landscaping the back yard so I'm swamped. I'll keep this recipe that you gave me but a lot of good stuff like this that I can make I buy prepackaged so I can just add water to it and go.
See I wouldn't mind making it if I had the time. My time is so limited and I mean that work the mrs my daughter two dogs one that's a puppy plus the plants plus I have a house now so yard work every two weeks and were re landscaping the back yard so I'm swamped. I'll keep this recipe that you gave me but a lot of good stuff like this that I can make I buy prepackaged so I can just add water to it and go.

It literally takes about 2 minutes of actual time. The rest of the time the jar(s) are just sitting there letting the microbes do their thing. I promise it's super easy. :-)
I just put ten+ lactobacillus capsules into my 4x4 veggie bed and sprinkled 5 on the other bed. Will be interesting to see what they do by next weeks planting time.

Tomatoes Beans Peas and Peppers all going in the ground next week
Only thing,I have yet to see the kind of growth,I get from gro-kashi over home made...View attachment 3424003
That was just a hand full of kashi,sprinkled over the top of the soil(visual effects)

This is why I said I would get this Grokashi cus the way it forms the mycelium I've haven't seen anything comes close to it. I'm still gonna get me some of this and I'll make my own but knowing me I prolly won't lol just get the Grokashi
This is why I said I would get this Grokashi cus the way it forms the mycelium I've haven't seen anything comes close to it. I'm still gonna get me some of this and I'll make my own but knowing me I prolly won't lol just get the Grokashi
Best believe I sure did the diy,even put oats in one pot,about the same handful,but the fuzziness never grew much bigger than the oat itself...
This is why I said I would get this Grokashi cus the way it forms the mycelium I've haven't seen anything comes close to it. I'm still gonna get me some of this and I'll make my own but knowing me I prolly won't lol just get the Grokashi

I don't doubt that its a good product. I'm going to pick some up myself and try it out. Just throwing it out there that you can make something similar and it's not a huge pain in the nuts like some organic concoctions can be.

They use an assortment of minerals in the gro kashi which I'm unsure of what it is exactly, but aside from that the premise is the same. Cultivating beneficial anaerobic bacteria.

This shit actually works well for odors and other household uses. I've sprinkled some in our rabbits cages and the odor is gone within hours.
The unconventional gardener sayss you can put it down your drains to remove blockages. Would have tried this before I paid the plummer $300+ last year.

Now it's in my arsenal if it ever happens again.

Yeah that's right! I'm going to have to try that out. Makes sense I guess.... although I would think it would take the microbes some time to tear through all of the pubes and gunk clogging up a shower drain.
Gro-Kashi and normal Bokashi are two slightly different ballgames... Gro-Kashi has a list of cultured microbes waaaaay exceeding a normal milk culture, plus some micro elements and foodies for the microbes to really take off... to see similar results as @genuity showed using normal bokashi you would need a little bit of horse manure as a top dress with the bokashi sprinkled over that and then a mulch on top. But if you get into ROLS, trust me if you use bokashi or gro-kashi those myco webs just go storming through the soil, and in the end that's where you want 'em. By now if I want to see a myco web above soil all I need to do is drop a leaf on the top of the soil and wait three days... ROLS for the win, everything just multiplies. I swear to gods my mulch gets EATEN by the soil in eight weeks Max. By the time a run is done there is just a little layer left right on top. Soils at rest will have visible myco webs as long as I keep them moist. No need to re build a micro herd if you don't kill it or throw it away...
Yeah that's right! I'm going to have to try that out. Makes sense I guess.... although I would think it would take the microbes some time to tear through all of the pubes and gunk clogging up a shower drain.
StOw, don't know about showers but it does do a fantastic job in sewerage systems for sure. We need to use sceptic tanks on the farms out here so no chemical cleaning, bokashi is a life saver no bad smells ever. Not too convinced about the shower drain though lol...
StOw, don't know about showers but it does do a fantastic job in sewerage systems for sure. We need to use sceptic tanks on the farms out here so no chemical cleaning, bokashi is a life saver no bad smells ever. Not too convinced about the shower drain though lol...

Yeah the shit is amazing. Really fascinating to learn about putting to use all of these little critters that are EVERYWHERE. Rrog drinks some pretty disgusting stuff (kiefer??) and swears by it for helping with digestion and overall health.
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