

Active Member
Hi all I just wanted to ask a quick question about my seeds I have germinated many seeds before, and am currently germinating/planting them. My grow root tips are not breaking through their shells very well their grow tips if at all are only about a metter at most. I have been germinating for about 5 days or more and I decided to plant them because in fear they would rot if i didnt. That has happened before if not planted in a week of germination or less, what im asking though is what is the chance that they will break through there shells and rise for i have done this method before and had not very good results. Any help at all would be useful thanks.


Well-Known Member
they should, I have had a seed germinate after 7 days in a towel. I have found keeping them moist without constantly adding water creates the best environment for germinating. What I do is place them into jars in a wet paper towel, with about 1/2 an ounce of water at the bottom of the jar, and cover the top with a tied up baggie and poke a LOT of small holes in it, it will create a very humid and damp environment, but allowing it to still air out. This method works great for me and germinates my seeds in about 2-5 days.