Getting busted?!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
don't worry about choppers dude, im in the ottawa area been growing for years, no issues yet. couple things you really should know about canada our helis and our cops
the cost to take the euro choppers (closed tail rotor) are 7grand just to take off, and roughly 900$ an hour in gas fly time. we in canada own 4 eruo choppers ( police) 2 four blade (police)
two 3 blade closed rotor (orange rescue) and the rest are privately owned, the cops CAN and HAVE picked up grow ops around 400w, anything over 400w can be picked up by infrared unless you have good insulation and venting. if your in a semi urban area hook it up to your laundry hose vent it out with the laundry NEVER VENT INTO AN OPEN ROOM!
2nd I'm not sure if you guys have gotten smart meters installed down there but the little fuckers are the number 1 grow op buster up here monitoring down to the last watt on when you plugged it in how long it was plugged in for and the exact amount of energy consumed, simple cross referencing with time stamps and previous bills will easily tell you whose doing what
upside to this is the smart meteres store information on your property and because hydro didn't make you sign a piece of paper allowing for the storage of their information on your property you are aloud to build a nice little solid steel mesh around your hydro meter and sue their asses.


Active Member
As soon as the seed hits the soil makes it illegal , ($1000) worth of dope no matter the size 1cm to 300cm .read the local paper, most grows steel there power
Most CPUs PCs use 400 watts + the monitor, even a toaster rapes the power , with smart meters they can tell when you turn shit on and all kinds of shit lol
but the worst part is the smell ^^^^^