God wants me fail... so he sends Plagues


Well-Known Member
im about 2 weeks in and i realize that my plant should be much bigger by now... i take another closer look at my plant and find out it has rather small leafs at the bottom of the plant...and the leafs are turning yellow and droping off prematurely...oh yea with purple veins i guess you can call them.... so im thinking that my plants are nitorgen,and phosphorus deficiency... and on top of all this i have a minor white flie problem..by them selfs im pretty sure the flies wouldnt hurt to much, but the combo of all the problems is making this tough.. im just gonna add some fertz and insecticides and sit back im sure it will buff out..:evil:


Well-Known Member
im about 2 weeks in and i realize that my plant should be much bigger by now... i take another closer look at my plant and find out it has rather small leafs at the bottom of the plant...and the leafs are turning yellow and droping off prematurely...oh yea with purple veins i guess you can call them.... so im thinking that my plants are nitorgen,and phosphorus deficiency... and on top of all this i have a minor white flie problem..by them selfs im pretty sure the flies wouldnt hurt to much, but the combo of all the problems is making this tough.. im just gonna add some fertz and insecticides and sit back im sure it will buff out..:evil:
Hey man,

So adding some nitrogen wouldnt be a bad idea but you in no way need phosphorus at tis stage. phosphorus is used for flowing and its allows the buds to get more plump. you are in veg right now so you dont need it. Nitrogen on the other hadn you might be able to use.

are you giving your plants any foiler nutes?

Can you post pics?

How many sets of leaves do you have?

let me know and ill do my best to help you.


Well-Known Member
Is it the plant in your avatar? That looks fine for two weeks. I doubt they're deficient enough to have fans falling off at 2 weeks, though I can't really offer another explanation.


Well-Known Member
Hey man,

So adding some nitrogen wouldnt be a bad idea but you in no way need phosphorus at tis stage. phosphorus is used for flowing and its allows the buds to get more plump. you are in veg right now so you dont need it. Nitrogen on the other hadn you might be able to use.

are you giving your plants any foiler nutes?

Can you post pics?

How many sets of leaves do you have?

let me know and ill do my best to help you.
hahaha my bad i ment to say potassium but ill get some pics soon........it has 6-7 sets of leafs.... one of them is my avatar but if you see it in person its a very sickly plant...plan on getting some neem oil soon and i gave it 1/4 strength MG 20-20-20 today.. only time will help right now


Well-Known Member
hahaha my bad i ment to say potassium
Well the same rules apply for potassium

All you need during the entire veg stage is nitrogen. you dont want to give it any P or K

you will need P and K when you start to preflower but even then you need to keep it lite on the phosphorus but you will need potassium during preflower and when you get to flower you need more potassium then anything. Good earth juice products.

i use the following

my custom mixed soil (see sig link)

Earth Juice Grow (for my veg cycle.)

Earth Juice Bloom ( preflower and flowering)

Easth Juice [FONT=Verdana, Arial, geneva, sans-serif]CATALYST (ripining)[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
im just waiting to get yelled at for using MG hahaha.... but i looked at some fert that has 18N-6P-18K should i use that insted its a veggie fert.


Well-Known Member
no not to veg. you need something like 12-0-0 or 15-0-0 or like i said try EJ GROW its fucking sweet. but dude can i get a picture and ill tell you whats up


Well-Known Member
ill post one monday ..alright where do they sell your special fert.. and i thought a little K was good for strong branches


Well-Known Member
no not to veg. you need something like 12-0-0 or 15-0-0 or like i said try EJ GROW its fucking sweet. but dude can i get a picture and ill tell you whats up
here are some pics and this was the only neem oil i could find its concentrate



Well-Known Member
neem oil fucking rocks. mix with some disp soap adn water and spary it (it tell you on the bottle)

Other then the holes in the leaves it looks great. it might be a bit stretched but not that bad.

I would say that coming along very well.

Where are u located. I might be able to send you some of my soil. I have a Huge batch and i have an nation wide logistics system @ my disposal through my dad company. where are u located and i can see what i can do


Well-Known Member
dewd if u think that plant is sick, take a look at my ones lol, i over-nuted them and then they got sunburnt x(


Well-Known Member
bääääääääähh-thats nuthing dude,really your just wasting everybodys time.use some nutes and its ok.

look at my fucking plant-it yellower than yours.so guys , whats wrong with it????
Over Watered hands down.

what kind soil you using?
indoor or outdoors?


Well-Known Member
neem oil fucking rocks. mix with some disp soap adn water and spary it (it tell you on the bottle)

Other then the holes in the leaves it looks great. it might be a bit stretched but not that bad.

I would say that coming along very well.

Where are u located. I might be able to send you some of my soil. I have a Huge batch and i have an nation wide logistics system @ my disposal through my dad company. where are u located and i can see what i can do
well i live in the bottom corner of virginia by the coast