Going to Amsterdam, seed shipping


Well-Known Member
Hey all. My gf and I are going to Amsterdam :joint: along with a few other cities in Europe and I plan on shipping seeds back to an address here. I have a few good ideas on stealth but are there any good ideas you guys can come up with or have already used???

Also I'm gonna ship them from somewhere other than AMS. I wont have any problems traveling by train with them will I? I plan on re baging and labeling them and keeping the breeders packs seperate for a souvenier.

Also should I just go to local post office there or go to UPS or what? my package needs to be as small as possible to avoid excessive shipping costs.

just pm me or post below

and yes i am reposting this from another forum i posted it on!!!!


Well-Known Member
why not get a container a small vial then fill it with other kind of vegetable seeds, rice, grains and all other things you can think of mix with your seeds...or mix it with your chips let it blend with the crumbs then put it in your luggage not with your carry-on. as long as your not bringing in more than enough that wouldnt be too obvious i think you are safe. if i were in your position...ill do both bringing seeds with me back home, and send other few seeds in the mail.

there is so many ways i can think of now, as i am planning to go on a seed tour soon enough. was thinking of canada though instead of amsterdam...and get as much seeds i can buy


bud bootlegger
i went to amsterdam maybe two years ago, and i picked up some beans for a friend at the time.. i just took them out of the breeders packs.. crap, i'll pm you instead of posting it in the open forum..


Well-Known Member
why not get a container a small vial then fill it with other kind of vegetable seeds, rice, grains and all other things you can think of mix with your seeds...or mix it with your chips let it blend with the crumbs then put it in your luggage not with your carry-on. as long as your not bringing in more than enough that wouldnt be too obvious i think you are safe. if i were in your position...ill do both bringing seeds with me back home, and send other few seeds in the mail.

there is so many ways i can think of now, as i am planning to go on a seed tour soon enough. was thinking of canada though instead of amsterdam...and get as much seeds i can buy
The problem with this is getting caught with seeds on you in an airport is a lot more dangerous then getting caught with them in the mail. You're on the right track Mstr. Just don't send them out from AMS and make sure you package them well. Shouldn't have any issues, seedbanks do the same exact thing thousands of times a day.


Active Member
Keister them! :) You have a built in smuggling area, after all.... LOL Your girlfriend has two "luggage compartments", too.
If for instance while I was in amsterdam ecided to fill a zipplock bag with say a quarter .oz and put it inside a hair conditioner bottle so it's surrounded by liqid, in the cointianer would it get through to the UK?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
unless your planning on bringing back loads of seeds just put them in a trouser pocket in your luggage and bring them home with you, i don't see any probs with this


i know this is a tetchy subject, but am i right in believing it is illegal to buy/sell seeds in the us? the only reason i say this is there is shops in the uk where you can buy seeds legally (for display purposes only of course) and yes the uk law is that shite lol. but i was thinking that its fine if i ask my bro to bring a load back to the uk seeing as its not illegal to buy seeds anyway?