Good times in Cali grow - 600w

Well Im gonna show off my buds, show some of you rooks how its done lol

Im happy I just picked up a sweet tooth and blue julius clone today, but here is my ONE blackberry kush plant:

Simple simple.. right abt 6 weeks
the little leaf at the top looks like a tongue Ahhhhhhhhh haha

When I got the clones earlier I picked up some smoke too. I paid more than the cost of Gold for it, but hey this is Cali baby! High as a kite and aint comin down any time soon! :hug:
Also, I'm fortunate enough to have a seperate 400w room for my veggies. I have about 7-8 bb kush clones/next stagers,, and my newly aquired sweet tooth and blue julius clone.

I grew sweet tooth about 2 years ago, in a "not so well-ventilated", 5 gal pot, 400w setup. I also used some hand-me-down nutrients for that, so with all the new factors being much more favorable (vented, 7 gal, 600w, 3 part nutrients) Im hoping for a good yield :)

this was abt 3 zips of that Sweet Tooth, about 2 years ago...

haha yea!! and I dont remember creating my username back in 2010, but that was right abt the time that sweet tooth was smokin, sooo yea. I mustve just tried to view a pic or somethin idk.

I had a "Bud Suicide" this morning. I came in there to say hello earlier, and a whole branch was broken, hanging upside down!! It actually looked kinda funny cuz it wasnt touching the ground or anything, just hangin there LOL.

I actually have 10 bamboo sticks strategically placed in there, holding up those heavy things. But there's just too many tops to tie em all (ScrOG wouldve helped here) But Boo-Hoo, Too many tops :( haha

So on the bright side, I have a FAT "premie" branch hung up now, for our sampling pleasure :) close to 7 weeks, should be a smokeable head high when she's cured up. Good Times!
Does anyone have any input on the last week/week and a half?

I watered two days ago, prob the last "nutrient water" Ill give it. Just Plain water now?? I'm right at the goal line now, I wanna have the best smoke in town :) Im pretty generous too, weed was meant to be shared lol. Ugh I can't f-in wait! well I can, Im just excited

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any input on the last week/week and a half?

I watered two days ago, prob the last "nutrient water" Ill give it. Just Plain water now?? I'm right at the goal line now, I wanna have the best smoke in town :) Im pretty generous too, weed was meant to be shared lol. Ugh I can't f-in wait! well I can, Im just excited
did you use a scope on the buds?

I'm going with just water(2 times day) for 5 days, then cut my master kush outside.
Sweet!! I know its not ready yet, I have a 30x but there's at least a week left. Im just curious about flushing out nutrients and the right timeframe of that process. Ive heard its best to let the roots dry out before harvest..Ive also heard flush/no flush makes little difference.
So my concern would be depriving the plant of nutrients vs nutrients left in the final smoke..IDK cuz wouldnt the nutrients stay in the root system before being used by the upper portion of the plant?
yeah mine is in a 7ga. pretty good size I think for indoor. I dont use soil I think mine is a lil more spongy, soil tends to leak out before it fully soaks up.
But after reading up a bit, I think I'm gonna go ahead and dump abt 5 gal of fresh RO water on her....goin straight to a drain too, ahhhh life is good :)

**From Clone spray, to this final flush, not a DROP of california tap water has touched my plants!! Whatchu kno about dat lol
FLUSHED!! lol I just dumped at least 5-6 gallons of RO on her. So I guess when it dries some I'll do it again if necessary. The water was draining close to clear by the end so I think we're doin good.

Still no real Purple tho..................Come on, I want some Mah F-in GRAPES!! haha man Im excited, this is hard work, experience & doin ur homework payin off...super stoked on this grow and it's just beginning...

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
never, just dump gallons of water on a plant, as this can do more harm then good.

Just stop using nutes for a week or 2?

I just do a week of just watering, no nutes.
I didn't dump it on the plant, like Super Bowl victory style...HAHA! I just kept pouring it through the medium using a quart sized "feeder" bottle until I had gone through 5-6 gallons. It shouldnt hurt it, just drains right out.

*And last week I did do one water with pure RO, and about 50% Solution the feedings after, I feel like Im on the right track..