Growing Jesus the 3 leaf plant


Active Member
ya this guy must have alot of time and space to waste or he dosnt know, even people who suck at growing get .3g/watt. I bet jesus wishes he was never born


Active Member
This is with a few CFL's dude, what the hell are you doing with that 400HPS, better give it to someone who deserves it.
Start over bru


Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
I had other plants that tured out male :) i will post pictures to see how big they were DSC_0374.jpgI had in total of six plants 2 major that came to be male( cause i used shitty soil i guess(had never heard of ph and shit like that) That is the picture of the 4th day of 12/12 when both the big plants showed male sex so all i had was these 3 tiny plants that were supposed to fill the rest..... Thats why i have so much space.... Its my first indoor grow ...

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
I am a noob.... My next grow will be a bag seed I have an amnesia haze that is vegging atm.. So until then i bet i can get 30 grams of high quality stuff.. My current strains are not high yielders. So i had started again but why not to get this plants done till veg finishes ?

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
Are u all so pro ? Harvesting kilograms on your first grow when your main plants occur male />>>> <><?? Wanna see that..If your are not pleased with my plants do not look at them.... go watch your fat bud monsters and forget about mine.I love my girls and the think that they are very beautiful.Besides i do indoor for fun. started in february. and spend like 70 $ for gear .. and nutes.. I bet the seeds u use cost more than that..
acidbox420 can post some pics from his first grows to see his 1.2 kg yield.

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
Thx for support mate i am currenty running one plant on 12/12 2x85 lotus cfl and they are great..No heat stress... I fucked up my plants very much putting hps too near.Then they all got ph locked up... OVerwatered cause of bad drainage...They came to look of almost healthy plants bout a month ago :) . I am happy to have any plants with the shit i've done to them... :).. I've promised them to take better care of their clones .
SWEET M8... my 1st grow with cfl, good luck &heres hoping
For my next grow i have prepared Better soil : 50% worm castings 20% perlite 10% silica and gypsium and 20 persent composts and moss. and woodchops on bottom of every vessel( fount that is very good for drainage).With Amnesia Haze strain i i hope it will be kick ass. I also will try to grow better clones from my current genetics.