Harvest at 42 days!?!?!?


Yeah, that's what i said. But...almost all the pistols have turned brown, even on the lower branches! I dont have a powerful enough magnifier to see if trichs are cloudy or not. :cry: Also, many of the fan leaves are yellowing and dying. What should I do?

This is a SAGE plant which is supposed to take at least 8 weeks. I have 2 of them and they are both "ready".

The pic is blurry but I think you can see the brown....IM000278.jpg
Crappy camera! LOL


i had a bubbalicious that i thought was ready cause of the hairs, and it was at day 41 flower. but when i looked with a microscope (from hydro shop) and not enough amber tone trichs.
i would give it at least another week, but then again im still pretty new but read and study this art alot. so i would wait.
try to get a cheap microscope from a hydro shop i got mine for $15.00 it is 10x-30x magnification. it works good enough for me


Well-Known Member
Radio shack usually has them in stock also, especially if you're in a state with medical marijuana.


like i said im still new to all this so research it more. but happy to share what i have learned.