Hash too sticky to smoke...

Hey guys..i had a grow harvest about 3 months ago and i made hash out of it. I got about 15g and used the isopropyll method. Its been sitting in a jar untouched for a while now because i cant smoke it. Its way too oily and sticky and instantly melts in my fingers. Is there anyway to dry it or remove a little moisture?? If not whats the best way to smoke it?? It just bubbles in a bowl.


Active Member
i had the same problem with the same hash process, the only way i could smoke it was freeze it and then put a little bud in a bowl then break a little hash put it on top them more green on top of that, then smoke seemed to work for me.
Yeah sike i have to do the same thing. Except i cant get the hash off my fingers so ive to roll it in bits of weed lol. I was thinking of putting it in the oven or something but that'd probably wreck it


Active Member
For one you are making a Hash Tar, you want the water method. The only time that Black goo is good is for mixing with food drink or pills. Find a post to explain the BLENDER method. I use that and spend only $1.00 for filters. Plus the isopropyl method it DANGEROUS!

My hash I make blows away the shops that they charge $20.00 per gram for. The instructions say BAKE the "Blender Hash" to dry. This makes it taste like shit. Airdry.


Well-Known Member
With oil you can do many things. Take a pin and some needlenose, get a drop on the end of the pin, and use your lighter to heat the pin a little. It'll form a drop and you can drip it on a bowl, or really anything. If it's viscous enough you can just use the pin to paint a rolling paper and roll a J or cig. It also works well to drip into a wang and cook it (if you can get over the stigma of using a crack pipe :D). It's easy to bake with, and if you activate it (heat before or after it's oil, google it, instructions for activating THC are all over) you can just eat it straight, or mix with uncooked food. Hot knives work well too :)

Lots of other things you can do with your trim besides oil, but if you like the oil, there are plenty of ways to use it.


Well-Known Member
Grab a razor blade or similar piece of metal with a pair of pliers. Get your oil globbed onto the end of a safety pin or paper clip. Cut the bottom off a pop bottle. Heat the metal you're holding with pliers with a flame until it's red hot. Hold the pop bottle in your mouth cut bottom down, hold the hot metal under the bottle and touch your gob of oil to it and inhale through the bottle. This method produces loads of smoke from the smallest bit of hash. You can smoke any kind of hash this way.
Hey thanks for all the replies guys.

Great tutorial given, but ive already made the stuff :/

I think the "hotknife" method is probably the best which is basically what HowzerMD says but it gets funnelled into a bottle, i like it! Ill give it a try!



Well-Known Member
mix it with tobacco. burns better, tastes better in my opinion. hasch taste like ...um...the tinman mixed with charchoil

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
When I make hash I boil the chap twice with menthol hydrate and twice with water. After I have all the resins in the water and the alcohol I start the water resin boiling on an electric stove. I add resined alcohol and keep adding water as it boils away. Once I have it down to the last bit of alcohol and water I use a hair dryer and a coffee pot warmer to evaporate the water and alcohol. While still hot add all your ground up buds and press. You may have to add a few drops of water to make it easier to press. This will make a brown hash that will be like puddy after to warm it in your hand. There will be no green stickys coming off this hash and if done correctly is very difficult to tell the difference between it and imported packistani hash. Breathing the fumes of any wood alcohol can cause you to go blind. Be sure you make your hash in a well ventilated location. I make mine outside.


Active Member
I have had this happen before. What I did was I took some wax paper and wrapped the oil in it, and put it in the freezer. When I want to smoke some of it, I break a small chunk off and put it on ash to smoke it. Works great! Good luck.