Help me, i can't figure out what is happening with my plants!

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
Ok so dont know why but they are showing deficiencies and burns?? I have given them a ton of nutrients and they are showing burns and deficiences wierd.. Like for example with my og kush all the new growth is very yellow and turns green really slowly and there are burn marks on there too. I have feed her maxicrop liquid fish 1tbls per gallon a few times and at 1/2tbls per gallon too a bunch of times. i flushed the plant now, but before their was all the leftover maxicrop in the soil and the leaves were still very yellow.. Also i gave them indonesian bat guano at 1tbls per gallon about a week and a half ago and they burned kinda bad from that. So i haven't given them any P since. Before i also gave them indo bat quano at teaspon per gallon or at half tablespoon per gallon. I didn't flush the plants but they were showing signs of P deficiency and N deficiency too, why is that? So I'm flushing them now.

Basically i had a whole bunch of phosphorous and nitrogen in my soil and they were still showing deficiences in N and P..

I just switched them to 12/12 and i wanna fix this quick.

what should i do? Should i flush them with a light mix and if so how much indonesian bat guano should i add per gal? that shit is strong..
lower your nutes and give them a flush with just straight water no nutes at all let them recover then start with a quater strengh nute solution slowly increase the feed when they call for it i had same prob with nute burn in the past founf this worked


Active Member
Its hard to burn with organic nuts they are simply to weak. Regular growers use N around 10.0 not .1 or .01. And we can control burn. Without pictures I would think you plant is starving and eating it because you have ZERO N. Fish junk is what 1.1.1 that’s nothing. Veg I go 10-15-10, Flower I go 6-55-13 and still add some 10-15-10 as needed. I am not organic, but I just don’t see any way to burn anything with the levels you are using, it’s not doing anything at all, hence the N deficiency.


Active Member
calcium and magnesuim deficiency are the most common, like over and underwatering. try mixing happy frog all purpose granules with mycorrhizae , in the top 2 inches of medium it should prevent cal mag deficiency.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
Its hard to burn with organic nuts they are simply to weak. Regular growers use N around 10.0 not .1 or .01. And we can control burn. Without pictures I would think you plant is starving and eating it because you have ZERO N. Fish junk is what 1.1.1 that’s nothing. Veg I go 10-15-10, Flower I go 6-55-13 and still add some 10-15-10 as needed. I am not organic, but I just don’t see any way to burn anything with the levels you are using, it’s not doing anything at all, hence the N deficiency.
i have found out the hard way organics can burn if you add to much, i dont know what your talking about. try adding 2tbls indonesian bat guano per gal and see what happens. burn the fuck out of your plants.


Active Member
i have found out the hard way organics can burn if you add to much, i dont know what your talking about. try adding 2tbls indonesian bat guano per gal and see what happens. burn the fuck out of your plants.
Sorry .5 N every 4 weeks is nothing..

High Phosphorous. From the Far East comes Sunleaves® Indonesian Bat Guano. Boasting a potent phosphorus rating (0.5-12-0.2), it encourages multiple blooms and hardy root growth. 100% organic and suitable for all indoor and outdoor plants. May be dissolved in water or applied as a top dressing for slow release.


Indoors: Mix 1-3 Tbsp. per gallon of water and apply directly around the base of plants. Repeat every 4-weeks.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
Sorry .5 N every 4 weeks is nothing..

High Phosphorous. From the Far East comes Sunleaves® Indonesian Bat Guano. Boasting a potent phosphorus rating (0.5-12-0.2), it encourages multiple blooms and hardy root growth. 100% organic and suitable for all indoor and outdoor plants. May be dissolved in water or applied as a top dressing for slow release.


Indoors: Mix 1-3 Tbsp. per gallon of water and apply directly around the base of plants. Repeat every 4-weeks.
I said i was using maxicrop liquid fish too. (5.1.1)