HELP! Nutrient Deficiency or Burn or What?


Hi, I am growing 3 different plants in soil, each about 2 and a half weeks old, and they each have different problems.

The first two are Barney's Farm LSD and the 3rd is LA Woman. I've been feeding and watering them all the same way so I don't know why they all look different. I suspected that the LSD's are going through nitrogen deficiency so I fed them yesterday and they seem to be getting worse.

The LA Woman I didn't feed yesterday, just watered, and it looks a bit too dark with burnt lower tips and drooping leaves. The leaves are also yellowing at random spots.

Soil: Happy Frog Potting Soil
Light: 400 Watt HPS 16/8
Fertilizer: Miracle Gro Miracid 30-10-10 every other water
Water: 6-7 ph every 3 days
Temp: 70 F
Humidity: 30%

Can somebody please tell me what I'm doing wrong?



Well-Known Member
hey man first off i dont think u shoodve feed ur plants that early.and second ther 2 different strains and if u treat them as the same and feed them the same u will have problems as 1 strain is prbly more sensitive to nutes then the other. by the looks of it ur having overfert issues. ur problem is ther still prtty young to b gittin fed. also wen u fed did u use reccomended dosage? if so thats a problem also most ppl try to ease ther plants onto the ferts by only doin 1/4 or 1/2 str. but try flushin them and lay off the nutes for a lil bit till they recover then use 1/4 or 1/2 str and ease them onto it


Well-Known Member
judging by the size of th eplants and the amount of nutes u using, id say overkill with nutes and possible overwatering, u say u feed every other watering but they cant have had that many waterings ? have they? happy frog ? does it contain nutes already? if so its prob enuf on its own till 4 weeks old. 30-10-10 is heavy nutes, try 2 find something lighter for young uns something like 10-5-5 , thats a lot of n.
also do u check ya run off ph, this can cause lock out if too high, hope it helps a little ,, a few things 2 consider!!:) gd luck m8
a gd flush through will never hurt ya plants . and will give u a fresh startin points as far as nutes go


Active Member
you shoud have posted on here before refeading, you need to flush them pure ph'd water all you need is nuetral 6.0 and you will do just fine, but if you see a burn don't feed flush first and if it worsens gradually step the nutes back up and they will gradually step up also.


Active Member
the plants will gradually get better which is what you need it doesn't happen over night they have a recovery process i'm no pro, but i have done tons of research and a couple ops, so trust me i'm not just bullshitten you.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
the first 2 looks like N def. but the cause of it is the question. It can be PH issues or just not enough fertilizer.
The Happy frog is pre-fertilized meaning you should just START fertilizing. Not soon enough for deficiencies to show.

I'd check the soil's ph (not the water). It optimaly should be around 6.5.
5.8-7.3 is the range that the plant should be able to survive.

I've heard of issues using that Happy Frog thing but I haven't used it to say for myself.

Another problem is your RH. It should be 50-75% at this stage. Optimally I'd say 65%.


Ok, thanks for the advice guys. I've decided to flush the soil as that is what most of you guys are suggesting

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
flushing is stupid. It will release a lot of nutes from the pre-added nutes.

Watching your next waterings ph and checking the soil PH is what you need.

And you surely need more humidity.


Well-Known Member
flushing is stupid. It will release a lot of nutes from the pre-added nutes.

Watching your next waterings ph and checking the soil PH is what you need.

And you surely need more humidity.
its only stupid if ur soil has time release nutes like MG but hes in fox farm happyfrog and i dont think that has any time release nutes in it

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
it has quite a bit of amendments going by their site.

anyhow, that not a plain nute burn. the tips aren't burnt.
Flushing will probably just cause more damage as there seems to be overwatering already involved.