HELP! Plant curling badly, wilting leaves.


K, i got a white widow plant growing indoors with 3 others in 5 gallon pots, water every 2-3 days, using FF ocean forest, been running 24/0 since seed and it's about day 26 of veg. temps range from 74 to 83 in the cab.

Just noticed the plant was canoeing up alot one day, and the next i see some serious browning and dying of the lower leaves (you can kinda see it in the pic), and it's growing alot slower than the other plants.



Weed Modifier
Heat stress...+ possible slight nute burn

What lights and how far away are they...Temp/Humidity?


using 2 42w t5 HO flouros, about 3 inches from the tips, temps stay around 74-83 and humidity sits at about 46-52%.

Not feeding any nutes yet.

All the other plants are 4 inches taller, good growth and no curling. I watered em all today so i might try and water the white widow a little more often than the others
Different plant strains have different levels of tolerance and must be treated differently in most cases.

If the affected plants are a different strain then it might just be that they cant withstand the same conditions that your healthy ones can because they aint as "tough" xD

Ive no experience with t5 lights but try hiring them up about an inch and maybe lower your temps a bit. This wont hurt the other plants, they should stay healthy.


Well-Known Member
I would water very slow and fully. Then let it sit till It dries out. 3-5 days let that soil get good and dry between waterings. I keep seeing that ffof mighty hot this last year. We had a bag that didn't seem right. Might try adding a little mag sometime soon. I would stay off the nutes and see what hapens in a few days. Mostley I think its your water schedule.
Definitely moisture stress. There is nothing wrong with a 2-3 day watering schedule, as long as you're waiting for the top couple of inches of soil to dry up before you water.

Cupping leaves = moisture stress. Moisture stress is usually caused by too much heat.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, but if you have that small of plant in a 5 gal bucket full of soill. you should not need to water more then about once a week. you are right about the soil drying out a few inches down. but it should be dead dry when you sick your finger in. If you water that often your not giving enough water when you water. If a 5 gal pot is dead dry it will take about 2.5-3 galons of water to fully water. you need to water very slow. it should take a hour to see run off give or take.


I appreciate the help guys! I guess I've been using too little water each watering, since I haven't seen runoff. +rep