help plant is turnin brown on tips fast!!!


so i bought schultz liquid plant food 10 -15-10 . i accidentally mixed it to strong. so i i flushed once. still looking bad?

any suggestions?


Active Member
what size pot and how much water did you flush it with you need at least twice as much water as soil and the tips wont turn back green


at first i was using a 6 by 6 pot so i upgraded to maybe 12 inches wide 8 deep . flushed it once im also using a rubbermaid grow box with cfl 4 32 watt 6500 k


Well-Known Member
well, its somewhat overwatered now. possibly a bad idea to flush more.

looks like you shouldnt have worried so much either.

looks just a tad overnuted, not enough to worry about.

i woulda just skipped the nutes next or maybe just a half dose.

basically if you see that nuteburn, it means you are feeding maybe 101-110% too much, need to back down that 1-10% next time.

hows the drainage? overwatering like that usually only happens with poor drainage.

unless, it was droopy like that, before the flush, then its possibly just fucked.


Well-Known Member
this is the Main problem of new growers, and the leading cause of mj death.

too much fuzzing and worrying over the plant and doing too much.

nothing kills or retards growth like doing too much.

its far better to underdo it. (though of course best to get it just right, but too little is better than too much)


Well-Known Member
pretend your mj is just another houseplant and they will do alot better,