Help, Plants struggling hard.. "pics"


Active Member
Here are the pictures of them. I have checked guides and thought it spider mites and I do recall seeing a white fly. I bought Insecticidal soap spread them twice now with it 7 days within each other. Now I feel it might nute burn or overwater. Most likely nute burn because when I touch the leaves they are very dry. to the crisp in certain areas of the leaves. Here are 4 pics please tell me what u think. These are 7 gallon bags so Instead of doing the 3 gallons per one gallon of water i was hoping if nute burn is the case to just put then under the bath faucet for a while. Thank you for the feed back. photo.jpgphoto3.jpgphoto2.jpgphoto4.jpg


Well-Known Member
looks really overwatered...can't really tell any other issues because of the photos...i'd turn off your grow lamp for a sec and snap a picture with the flash. Make sure when you are watering that the soil is should be able to pick up the pot(bag) and really notice its pretty light.


Active Member
Thank you for the quick reply. My plants never looked so ugly. I also havent checked the PH level ever. I never had a problem with it in my area so never checked. I let them dry out good over the weekend and thats when they curled up. So then I thought it was maybe over heat and not enough water. I will let it dry again I guess. I will return with my more pictures later. The leaves are crispy and dried out that is why I though it might be underwater or from these pests sucking out its juices.


Well-Known Member
ooo...well the curling getting worse while its drying doesn't signal overwatering...just hard to tell by the pics :D

They are pretty small plants...what are you giving them? What are you working with for soil? You might be overnuting the fuck out of them...also if you splash nutrient solution a bit when watering it the lower leaves will get those spots...usually nothing to worry about, but definitely give us a rundown of your growing conditions(soil/light/nutes/watering frequency/amount/etc) and we can probably help your baby rebound :D


Active Member
Strain is Super Lemon haze.
Ocean forest soil.
600 hps, cool tube. 3 fans. One on plants one sucking fresh air in and smell out. One cooling the tube.
They are about a month old from seed.
The amount of water was about half a gallon because they were little plants in big pots.. Now its more like 3/4 gallon per pot
They are still growing while in this ugly sickly stage of there life.
Id love to rebound them because I spent over 200 on seeds of 6 strains and I think only the Super Lemon Haze came through. Maybe one og kush 18 as well. Worst germination rate etc in ages. I usually dont give nutes untill flower but gave them nutes half way through veg. Ocean forest is supposed to carry u through to flower and it always dude. I havent grown in over a year and I guess I forget how sensitive they can be. I will stick by ocean forest rules from now on.
So on that note I fed them nutes twice every other water from I guess like 3 weeks veg. "flora nova"
I know its my fault and not the strains. But Im going back to Female Seeds. They are super easy and always get 100 percent.
Props to The Joint Doctor as well. only Auto's I would buy from


Active Member
Going to need a bit of info:

Water pH
Feeding Schedule
Tap, or R/O water, if Tap have you checked the PPM on your tap water
How close is your light off your plants
Do you have average temps near canopy?

Some things to do now;

1.) Stop spraying them with soap... If you do have bugs they won't kill your plants nearly as fast as overwatering, burn, or nutrient poisening.
2.) Go to the store, grab a gallon of DISTILLED WATER. Make sure its NOT DRINKING WATER there is a difference. Add 1.5 mL Calmag solution to the gallon, pH balance to 6.3. Wait atleast 3 days since your last water/feed then water 1L with this solotion, and nothing else!
3.) Please don't flush with bath water.


Active Member
I will get the ph level soon. I have fed them twice only. Every other week. tap water. I will check the ppm and the ph. Trying to find a good one to buy online right now. Lights are ten or so inches from the light but I am using a cool tube with good air flow and I dont think thats the problem. I will get calmag and it to some distilled water and and try it out... I will not flush with bath water...


Active Member
2011-10-27_08.42.02.jpgHere's a update on the pics, Wonder what strain it is ? I started with Super Lemon Haze, OG #18 and Tangerine Dream and one other I forget at the moment. I had 14 seeds this is what lasted. I have a feeling its 3 Super Lemon Haze and one OG because the super lemon seeds looked the nicest. Whatever that means. Only time will tell. Ordered my last seeds and got 4 of each of all of Female Seeds strands. Grow four times with them, 100 percent gem rate, big fat crops and n ice dank nugs. Still smokin the Iced Grapefruit but need some 100 percent sativa after smokin this shit for a year.
I have switched to distilled water and watered two times since I posted, seems like it would have slowly dried out by now. I have only watered 1 time a week I think now. Im worried it might be some bad root rot.. I know I overwatered but shouldnt it be back to normal by now? Any suggestions on how to cure this or if thats even the only problem?
Thank you
temps are average
Light is a foot away and it is a cooled cool tubeI


Active Member
They are going strong now, Im thinking of starting a new thread. I was over watering them and the ph was off. Now I use RO water and less of it. They are all topped and will most likely overgrow my area. I will start low stress training today. Next grow I will top them twice for this small area Im using. This is my last post because of no interest. Thank you for your help.jl.jpg