help think my plant is hermie


Active Member
my plant is 7 weeks in flowering and I found sacks inside my buds. could it hermied on me or is this normal. the sacks are big, seed size. needs advice before i destroy this plant


Well-Known Member
my plant is 7 weeks in flowering and I found sacks inside my buds. could it hermied on me or is this normal. the sacks are big, seed size. needs advice before i destroy this plant
wihtout pictures all I can say is it could have gotten pollinated and is producing seed sacks. But it could be hermie, dunno.


Well-Known Member
Wow why would you destroy it just because its a herm? It doesnt have to be sensimilla to get you high


Well-Known Member
yeah mann dont destroy it. i meen unless you have it around other females dont destroy it. hell even then all you have to do is move it a safe distance or place away from the females. Let dem budz get nice and plump, then start looking for amber colored trichomes once you start seeing alot of them you can harvest. Oh and you need a magnifying glass to check the trichomes.