High animals


Well-Known Member
how many times have you got your pet high? what different kinds of animals have you got high? ever have a pot headed pet?

i have smoked my dog out now a few times and im sure she is pretty stoned right now
she looks like she is sooooo sleepy and she wont respond to me except when i blow weed in her face


Well-Known Member
me and some of my friends would put his cat in a box and blow the smoke into the box the cat would get so high


Well-Known Member
It so funny the cat would always just go to sleep after we would let it out of the box.


I had this dog named doobie, and I started getting him high when he was a pup. After about 8 months he would follow the blunt around the room waiting for everyone to blow some in his face.


Well-Known Member
Our cat(C.W.) always sits on my knee when I'm toking, right where the stream of smoke when I exhale flows around his head. Usually he'll go to sleep after, but that's what he does most of the time anyway, he's a middle-aged(9) neutered male.


Well-Known Member
My cat, Belladonna does'nt like the herb. My dog however, would get panic attacks whenever he heard firecrackers (or worse) thunder, even the valium would'nt work, so I blew smoke down his nose and that calmed him down. After that if I puffed he would jump on top of me until I gave him some. He was always hogging the spliff. I got bitten by a horse once because he wanted to eat my spliff and I wouldn't give him any. The rats and birds always eat all the plants I try and grow.


Active Member
I had this dog named doobie, and I started getting him high when he was a pup. After about 8 months he would follow the blunt around the room waiting for everyone to blow some in his face.
Haha, we had a rot/husky mix named killer (after the dog in half-baked) at my old house and basically did the same thing, its hilarious when people come over that haven't smoked with your dog before and it stands next to them like "cmon man, gimie a hit"