High temps while lights off?

Hello RIU. I have a flowering grow tent in my garage in Nor Cal and temps during the day can get up to 90F during the day in the summer and sometimes push 100F if we get hit by a heat wave. Now I know temps that high are terrible for indoor growing but what if I only had the lights on during the night when temps are in the 75-80F range? How much would the high temps affect the plants if they are only experiencing them while the lights are off? Hopefully someone can speak from experience but any input is appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
even with 15000 BTUs running, my garage can get up to 88 in the day (we'll see how hot it gets with this heat wave coming up next week).

i have not seen any real negative effects that i can discern. crop looks healthy.

i'm sure they'd prefer it to be cooler with the lights off though.


Well-Known Member
If high temps can't be avoided aim for keeping a. the difference (DIF) between dark and light temps small and b. keep the dark temp lower than the light temp (to avoid a 'negative DIF').

Upside is you won't have a lot of stress (e.g. http://journal.ashspublications.org/content/118/6/736.abstract & http://homeguides.sfgate.com/dif-temperature-control-greenhouses-60162.html )

If the dark temp is much higher than the low temp (memory serves no accurate number at the moment... google...) not just stem elongation is reduced but overall cell expansion, i.e. less stem, leaves, and dry weight in the end.


Well-Known Member
plants will be fine most likely. a few hot nights for them is not a huge deal. monitor them very closely if its hitting high 90s for extended periods. my ac went out one time and it hit 95 in my gr for a couple hrs every day and night for a week with nsvoticeabp