How do I flush my soil if my container has no holes?


Should I clean the toilet befor the flush or does it matter. A guy told me it works best if it's dirty??
Please don't stop.


Well-Known Member
My plant is growing weird tomato looking things, and it has no fan leaves.
Is this a problem?


Well-Known Member
Should I clean the toilet befor the flush or does it matter. A guy told me it works best if it's dirty??
Please don't stop.
Leave it dirty. That way it will get some Nitrogen from your urine and poo. Then water your plants with your own piss. Your plants will love the Nitrogen! :weed:


Well-Known Member
what lights do you recommend for growing outdoors?
i'm either going to use shops lights or my 250 watt MH's. hopefully it will be a warm enough spring. i will be out of room inside in a month or so so i have no choice but to put them out early, in pots until they go into the ground. all i need to do is have the lights come on in the middle of the dark cycle to interrupt it. maybe just for an hour at midnight. if i cover my greenhouse frames with dark tarps it won't bother the neighbors. :weed: :-P


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I was just wondering how I am supposed to flush my soil if my container has no holes. Should i make holes in it or is there another way?
drill some holes in the bottom. don't push the drill too hard. when you get through the plasic on the bottom it will go through the soil like a hot knife through warm butter.


Well-Known Member
ok, what in the FUCK is going on in this thread? are people just being dumb or what!?! Use common sense when growing, but these questions are just wack as fuck fuck this thread SWITCH pots with holes in it problem solved dont be so dumb next time and plant your pot plant in a pot that doesnt have any holes in it...