How Does Your Garden Grow??????

I planted skips today in all three kinds of cukes and the okra. Then made it rain on the afore mentioned patches about dark. We should get some of the real thing tomorrow.

The Amish Crook Neck replants are doing well.


Crimson Sweet not so good. I saw five sprouts out of about a dozen hills.

Cousin Johnny gave me some seeds from the sweet pumpkins Daddy used to grow. I wanted to put them somewhere where the seeds would be true. The garden at the Sandhill is already about full, and there is too much viney stuff already, so I mixed them in with the Flint Indian corn down at the riverhouse.

We bought a 5+ acre property out in the country, zone 8b, last September, and I'm transforming it into a permaculture / food forest with garden, "Food Fence" (TM, LOL), and about 75 3 gallon, and 5 gallon grow bags, even a few 25 gallon ones - not to mention my 10 x 10 grow tent of "high value plants". I've planted cherry trees, pomegranate, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, Satsuma oranges, kumquats, sweet lemons, tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans, watermelons, cantaloupes, Thai and Chinese yard-long beans, yard long cucumbers, beets, turnips, turnip greens, mustard, several varieties of radishes, cabbage, kale, collards, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, stevia, basil, cilantro, sage, parsley, red and purple sweet potatoes, strawberries, celery... and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things. There was no garden space when we moved here and I ripped up the lawn with a tiller, dumped three utility trailer loads of compost (5-8 year old cotton trash) on it (about 4") and tilled it in. Our soil is sandy loam, perfect for growing almost anything very well.


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In the southern US, what we call peas are really cow peas {or field peas}. We call early peas snow peas. I plant a fresh pea patch every 21 days. I had them last year right up to killing frost. I've grown all kinds, but Pink-eyed Purple Hulls are my favorite.

I grow Blue Lake green {bush} beans. I've had trouble getting that 2nd crop in. It is just too hot here for them to make. I'll try some really early, then another patch about the normal time. Nothing better than green beans and early potatoes.

I also have a pole bean I got from an old Filipino lady that is really good. I grow field corn just so they have something to vine on. {I'm lazy as hell when it comes to building trellises}
My wife loves a variety called "elite"; they are the tiniest little things you've ever seen. Personally, I wouldn't shell them for them, but they're her favorite. My fav is Creme 40. She called a farmer we buy from and he's got 8 different varieties of peas growing.
My wife loves a variety called "elite"; they are the tiniest little things you've ever seen. Personally, I wouldn't shell them for them, but they're her favorite. My fav is Creme 40. She called a farmer we buy from and he's got 8 different varieties of peas growing.
Hey. I'm Larry with a new pair of socks. We've gave up on peas the last couple three years. The bugs got so bad, and I'm not a big fan of poison. Back when I was a kid we truck farmed. I never had eight kinds of peas, but peas were our main crop. Now folks don't have the time to shell, so unless you have a machine to shell them, it's harder to sell them. Hell, we've been buying shelled peas ourselves.
Hey. I'm Larry with a new pair of socks. We've gave up on peas the last couple three years. The bugs got so bad, and I'm not a big fan of poison. Back when I was a kid we truck farmed. I never had eight kinds of peas, but peas were our main crop. Now folks don't have the time to shell, so unless you have a machine to shell them, it's harder to sell them. Hell, we've been buying shelled peas ourselves.
Ohh man I love some fresh peas. I grew up shelling peas on the porch with the old ladies, if you take care of the old ladies they’ll take care of you. My wife will help me shell some now but she makes a big mess so if she doesn’t want to help I don’t fuss too much lol.
My yard long beans at the sandhill did not do well, so I planted some in the raised beds at the riverhouse. Along with flint Indian corn and cucumbers in the two larger beds. In the shorter bed I planted corn and saved seed yard long beans. The saved seeds did not come up, so I will replant them today or tomorrow, if the rain eases up later.

Back to front: corn, beans, cukes. (not sure what kind of cukes these are. The label looked like it was cut from a Co-Op seed bag, so they must be store bought)


Cousin Johnny gave me a pack of sweet pumpkin seeds like Daddy used to grow. I planted them in the Flint patch. Really hope to make some good seeds off them.

After supper I got out to the garden and transplanted two tomatoes into containers. Then three peppers into the ground. Better Boy, Beefsteak, Cubanelle, MJ f3 and a Cayenne.


The deer got to the peppers before I got my fence up. I have seen ones like this one make a good comeback, so I just put in a new one right beside it. (MJf3)

I got back down to the riverhouse and planted the yard long beans. I grabbed the cucumber seeds while I was there, and added to my already too crowded cuke patch.


In other cucumber news, I saw the first fruit on the Marketer vines (the left row).

School just let out for summer so heres a pic before I get too busy with the kids and everything goes to shit. Peas, bush and pole beans, several peppers, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, 3 types of squash, some basil, carrots, and some ground cherries - fighting for living space. I swear that I’m finally gonna master indeterminate tomatoes this year. I used to train them like cannabis - bushy and with several tops - the opposite of what I should have been doing . Pinching and supporting, and hoping for a better outcome this year.


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