how hot would a 250w cfl get? too hot for a cupboard?


just wondering if the lamp would get too hot for me to use it for a stealth grow in my cupboard, with little ventilation (just opening door occasionally)


Well-Known Member
I would assume so, you should really get a fan circulating the air with that bulb because try plugging it in for like 5-10 minutes and touch it and see if it burns or can you grasp it if you can grasp it it might be alright but i would really consider a fan it not only will circular the air but will strengthen your plants stock, and if you can't touch it with the tip of your index finger then consider getting a good exhaust and fresh air from a window


Well-Known Member
it will be to hot. It isnt hard to lightproof intake and outake openings. I would do that and use the 250w and maybe a few 26w for side lighting.


Active Member
it will be to hot. It isnt hard to lightproof intake and outake openings. I would do that and use the 250w and maybe a few 26w for side lighting.
this, i have one and im using it in a tent

you can touch it no problem, but the heat would eventually lead to going over 90 if you didnt have a exhaust