Humdity issues during flowering?


Well-Known Member
I am growing in a homebox XL, it's area is 4x4x7, I have 8 5 gallon plants setup in it. Fan on my 600 watt cooltube, two rottating fans on the bottom, I recently put a damp rid thing in the corner and a mini dehuMidifier. My humidity is in the 60's my growth looks shady, need help on this one, I have he tent open when lights on with ac blowing in it. How can I get my humidity down? What are the ideal humidity levels for flowering 30 to 40%?? Help??


Active Member
I saw in a Jorge vid that RH on 50% would be perfect. Im in my first grow my self. My cheap macgyver setup is around 30-40% measured close to it. It is growing nicly. But as I mentioned I'm no expert, but I pesonally think 60 would be a bit high. Do you have a max/min on your hygro? Cause Im noticing that my RH goes up to 50 at nigth when the ligths are off.


Well-Known Member
I have a fan hooked up to my 600watt hps cooltube by dryerhose going outside of one side of my tent, the other side of fan doesn't have any hose attached to it and it feels hot, should I extend more hose to go outside the tent??? I currently have one damprid container, and a mini-dehumidifer inside my tent. My humidity still running high 50-60%. I don't get what I'm doing wrong, always had humidity running at 30-40% in past grows and everything came out good. Also when it's lights out and I close my tent for night, when I reopen it up my temps read 70/67% humidity??? I have my fans going on inside while lights are off , abd portable Ac and dan running outside tent. What am I doing wrong??? Help