i cant find a diagnosis on my own


I'm concerned over all she seems to be very healthy. I have started to notice the very tip of the fan leaf fingers have just a small amount of yellowing almost seeming dry. She is only a cpl weeks into flower and is a dwc/bubble ponic so constant watering... I've noticed a cpl other leaves beginging to show spots here and there. Just wondering if its a cause for concern or just normal flowering behavior?

Thanks in advance for the help


Ppm at the moment 1040 temp 21.3 c and ph is 5.7 and I have noticed that my ph has been dropping instead of increasing my res is about 12gal when full she does drink up about a gal or so a day that I top off every cpl days


New Member
Ppm at the moment 1040 temp 21.3 c and ph is 5.7 and I have noticed that my ph has been dropping instead of increasing my res is about 12gal when full she does drink up about a gal or so a day that I top off every cpl days
Perfect , I was hoping you might answer your own question with a general statement ! Watch for Ph drop and drifting and do whats needed to amend this issue at hand . Looks like you saved it in time and all shall be fine my friend ! PPS


So as you see it professor its the ph fluctuation causing the spots and not a def or disease... ? What can be the cause of the fluctuation? The nutes I'm using is the GH line flora nova with less than recomended masive additive. If I'm correct ph should go up when nutes are consumed? No? Why the drift down?