I need help with my indoor grow op.


Active Member
alright, recently i was introduced to somebody willing to use their apartment ( a very large one by the way) for growing the ganja. He will be moving into the new apartment in September which leaves a lot of time for preparation.

Our goal is similar to what you would expect using the "sea of green method". Using the SOG method you grow a mother plant, clone it and cut many smaller trimmings (clones) and flower them almost directly. Another SOG method is where you grow my small plants but get yields every two weeks or so. This is what i am shooting for. What i mean is i am seeking to get a new yield every few weeks, i wont be growing from seed each harvest.

what would be the best method for receiving yields every few weeks?

-one idea i have is somewhat along these lines. (suggestions appreciated)

Alright, i want to have two big grow tents. In one tent i will have a mother plant and smaller clones, basically it will be a veg tent. It will probably have a 400 watt hps lamp (is this a good light choice?) on a 18/4 light schedule.

The other tent will be a flowering room. It will have a 400 watt hps light (should i use a 600w?) and it will be on 12/12 for flowering.

**additionally, i might have a very small tent or grow box for clones and a few seedlings.**

My procedure will be to grow a mother or two with good genetics and keep her in the veg room. I will grow them large enough to take cuttings but would trim them as well, so they can stay in the veg room and remain mothers for a long time. When i take cuttings i will grow them in the veg room for a week or so until the clones have rooted, and then i will put them into the flowering room and flower. That way, when i have a set of clones almost ready to be harvested, i will have replacements in the veg room, and so on.

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this is my game-plan. Please give me any suggestions. this grow operation is really for distribution so i am aiming to have regular harvests as opposed to growing large crops with only one or to harvests, if that makes sense. So take into consideration my goal, and possibly somebody could give me pointers or tell me a better procedure.


Well-Known Member
good plan, Im working on pretty much the same thing, I would recommend 2 flowering rooms, that way you can run 2 lights per ballast, running the ballasts 24 hours, but for 12 hours per tent.

So if you buy 2 ballasts, you can run 4 lights and run 24 hours a day. Invest all your money in the flowering tents, as far as mothers and clones, I just use my closet and some CFLs because they dont produce crazy heat and are waaay cheaper and its just mothers and clones, they dont need that same light penetration.

I would use 1000w in air cooled hood, or 600w at least for the penetration and bigger yield, either way they will be hot invest in air cooled hoods.

Ideal tents would be 2 lights long, that way if they are air cooled lights its easy and the ducting is strait through, then make your tents roughly 8x4 and at least 6ft high.

Yeah Im working towards the same thing, I have an old deep freezer with my mothers and some cfls, I just hung 1000w hps in my closet with a 3500 cfm blower on a homemade air filter and it smells like fresh clean air and its working great, I got about 1.5 square meters of SOG style flowering now.

The Canadian Dream, gotta love it.

Good luck

PS if your in the fraser valley hit me up with a PM


Well-Known Member
Get a few moms going. I would use MH for the veg tent. Hps for the flowering. Depending on tent size, I would go for a 600w (if 3x3 or 4x4) for flowering. You can always go to 1000w if it's not enough. The gameplan would most likely be; to divide the flowering tent into 2-8 sections (not actually divide it but have rows/sections of plants in different stages of flowering). So an example would be (lets say you are going to have 20 plants in your tent) take 5 cuttings....let them root...put them in the tent. At the end of week 1 flowering....take 5 new cuttings....root them...then at the end of week 2 (when the new clones have rooted) you put them in. You repeat the same thing every week over and over so that once all 20 are in...you will get a harvest of 5 plants every 2 weeks. Get the idea??

You can totally play with it how you want so that you can get a harvest every 1, 2,3,4 weeks etc. Add more plants to harvest more bud at each harvest. It's simple once you get it started. You just have to make sure to be on top of everything and make sure u can hit your timeline every time. So its possibly it make take you a bit to get the hang of things or get in a groove.