I sprouted 4 seeds, 4 different strains...3 turned out to be male! :(


Well-Known Member
Well, this seems to be par for the course, lately.

I grow in a very limited manner (just for myself) and so I prefer to conserve my limited supply of quality genetics by sprouting only one seed from each strain each run and taking my chances. The last time, all the seeds turned out to be female. This time, the roll of the dice went the other way.

On the bright (or dim) side...I ran the whole veg cycle with my light dimmed well below its potential and also have been using the "Gas Lantern" technique of lighting schedule -in order to use my electricity even more efficiently. So I didn't waste too much on them. I try to learn something new on each grow just to familiarize myself with some of the more modern stuff. Additionally, I did get one female out of the lot and hopefully it will be a great phenotype.

Oh, yeah...I figured since I have some males from good genetics, I might just flower them out, save some pollen and maybe dust a few buds of the remaining female when the time comes and try to get some seeds -again, just to turn these lemons into lemonade! :)

This is what happens sometimes when you grow regular seeds....But, on the other hand, there's always that chance that you might get something really special that no one else has....which is kinda more fun, in my opinion.



Well-Known Member
Bummer but not so bad.

If you do get pollen from the 3 males and keep them all separate you could use 3 lower branches on the girl and dust one each with the 3 pollens and get a whack of seeds to play with for years. Don't have to grow out the whole plants with males. Chop a branch or two off each plant and stick them in a glass of water so they are leaning out under a 23W 2700K CFL bulb with tinfoil under the flowers to catch the pollen. A different cardboard box for each and no fan they could all sit in a closet somewhere until you get pollen from each.

I'd get a couple of good clones off the girl too in case she turns out to be the "ONE". Can't always count on a re-veg to save great genetics as I know too well from past experience. :)



Active Member
Well, this seems to be par for the course, lately.

I grow in a very limited manner (just for myself) and so I prefer to conserve my limited supply of quality genetics by sprouting only one seed from each strain each run and taking my chances. The last time, all the seeds turned out to be female. This time, the roll of the dice went the other way.

On the bright (or dim) side...I ran the whole veg cycle with my light dimmed well below its potential and also have been using the "Gas Lantern" technique of lighting schedule -in order to use my electricity even more efficiently. So I didn't waste too much on them. I try to learn something new on each grow just to familiarize myself with some of the more modern stuff. Additionally, I did get one female out of the lot and hopefully it will be a great phenotype.

Oh, yeah...I figured since I have some males from good genetics, I might just flower them out, save some pollen and maybe dust a few buds of the remaining female when the time comes and try to get some seeds -again, just to turn these lemons into lemonade! :)

This is what happens sometimes when you grow regular seeds....But, on the other hand, there's always that chance that you might get something really special that no one else has....which is kinda more fun, in my opinion.

Vacuum seal and freeze the pollen for next year


Well-Known Member
Well, I decided to cut a clone from each male and put them into a small cabinet space I made for them. I will root them and then just flower them in a 16 oz cup. That way, I can give the one remaining female the entire space in the tent. I'm having a bit of difficulty getting this new soil dialed in..pH is too high and I'm getting a bit of nutrient lockout. Hopefully, that will be back under control soon. After that, I'll do aa bit of super cropping to beef up the stalk and then I'll put up the scrog net up and hope for the best. I would have much preferred a variety of flavors to just having the one...but could be worse!

I hope the pollen saving thing works out.