I tawt I thaw a thwip!


Active Member
My ladies are doing very well overall, but today in my bug-squashing rounds, I found a little mid-leaf scraping damage. I was trying to get some good shots and accidentally ended up catching a thrip in the shot. I think. What do you guys think? Can you tell at this zoom level? (double circle around bug in top right quarter of pic:



Well-Known Member
lol @ the thread title ;-)

Im no expert, but early in my first grow I had a problem with what I ended up believing was thrips. The offending critters I had looked almost identical to that. So unless I was wrong with the identification of my problem id say that yeah, that's a thrip. I treated with neem oil and within a weekn they were all gone.


Active Member
Thanks, guys! I just hit 'em with Azamax and SM-90, but the neem is ready to go if they don't disappear. I'm starting to get that outdoor growing is not so much about killing all the bugs, but just keeping them at a manageable level. I'll keep squishing and watching.


Well-Known Member
and what exactly to you suggest to keep them at a manageable level while keeping it as organic as possible?


Active Member
and what exactly to you suggest to keep them at a manageable level while keeping it as organic as possible?
Hey man. If you mean me, I'm no expert but I'm using .40 oz Azamax and 5 oz SM-90 in a quart sprayer, then fill with RO water. I'm mixing and spraying every 7-9 days, based on when I start to see insect signs. Plus, since I'm outdoor, I've started with a BT insecticide for worms. All of these are organic and approved for use on food plants right up to harvest. So far, so good.