I'm planning on growing outside, will plants be ok without my tending to them?


Right now I'm growing my seedlings indoors b/c it gets into the low to mid 50's at night and only low 70's during day at most. The plants have been above the soil now for about 2 days and are growing steadily. Though I would like to keep them inside I simply CANNOT do this. It's not an option once they start getting bigger. In about a week when the plants are a bit stronger and it's a bit warmer I plan on transplanting them into 2-3 gallon size pots and placing them in their permanent location outside.

My main question is, do I need to worry about them outdoors or will they get along just fine? Will they be fine without me watering them? I'm not in a particularly dry climate, it rains roughly every 3-4 days in the summer here with decent humidity. Do I need to nute? Do I need to trim back leaves? etc, etc, I think you get what I'm asking. The location where they will be is about an hour and a half away from my residence and secluded, so I would prefer not to check on them more than once every few weeks or so until they begin showing and flowering.

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
probably a better idea to plant in the ground for what you want to do. 2-3 gal pots wont stay moist long once they get big and flower, you cant depend on the rain.