International Committee Calls For An End To The War On Drugs.


Active Member
Article said:
The office of White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske said the report was misguided.
I'm afraid its not exactly good news. As you can see, no one in power cares. They are not about to roll over on this. It will take a complete overhaul of the system for this to happen.


Active Member
ya i guess if you only read that oine line it isn't really that great.

but if you look at like MSNBC is a mainstream media outlet posting articles which MILLIONS will read one of which says that the war on drugs is a failure and that marijuana should be legalized along with a few other controlled substance.

i didn't say that tomorrow MJ would be legal because of this article. the article is "good news" because it names several key political figures from around the world and says they endorse legalizing marijuana. it also hints that many other political figures agree but won't say it publicly.

again, its not really the message that is so great....i mean its good but its the fact that a major media outlet is producing it that matters.

MJ supporters know the war on drugs was a failure a long time ago but the average joe doesn't because....why would they know about the war on drugs if they don't do drugs???